Tallinn piccies (or lack thereof)

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Europe » Estonia » Tallinn
August 22nd 2009
Published: August 23rd 2009
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Total Distance: 0 miles / 0 kmMouse: 0,0

photos seem difficult to add sometimes - so map only here - central Tallinn - the green area to left is labelled Toom park - in Estonian its Toompea - where all the important things like the Parliament and a couple of very interesting churches are - Alexander Nevsky Cathedral (still trying to upload pix of those) and that of St Mary - which is completely different - lovely organ which was playing when I visited - and very involved and elaborate coats of arms all around the walls


23rd August 2009

the island sounded like a nice place to be. Your gastro details ae very detailed but that's ok. YOu seem to be relaxed which is nice to know. tToday in Sydeney was gorgious!!

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