A very long day...

August 19th 2009
Published: August 22nd 2009
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There's not much interest in relating the seemingly never ending airport/flying/waiting process of getting somewhere overseas but I did learn many things . One very important thing I learned is that at LAX airport, not all international flights leave from the international terminal and when I didn't know that China Airlines and Air China are different airlines and fly from different terminals at LAX and the lack of this knowledge means the difference of having a lot of slack time to get to your plane and having to hurry when you finally figure this little detail out.

Other insignificant details...
Chinese airlines airplane food is only slightly better than when American airlines used to feed you. Chinese airlines tend to board early, can take off early and will do everything like make you put away your electronics, tray tables and adjust seats long before you ever land. Even on domestic flights within China, the signage and all instructions are given in both Chinese and English. I suspect that even if you are flying without a single English speaking person on a plane, the instructions will be both in Chinese and English. I think that English is rapidly becoming China's second language.

The Beijing airport is incredible in every way. Marble floors, incredibly high ceilings, glass everywhere and so many people endlessly cleaning everything. The Chinese people seem to be very respectful in always putting trash in trash cans so it would seem that little cleaning would be needed but they are cleaning anyway. I saw many workers who only wiped glass.

One of the things about the Beijing airport is the immense size. I have to believe that from our gate to the baggage claim was perhaps as far as 10 football fields which was very tiring because I was now not only carrying my computer bag, my shoulder bag with ipod, glasses, camera, etc. but also had alcohol and cigarettes from the duty-free store. After all of my worries about customs inspection and H1N1 testing, there was hardly any inspection at all. They never bothered taking my temperature, no one looked inside my bags and in fact, I was able to get my bags and leave the terminal without encountering any security at all. They provide free carts to move your bags around but only just before the baggage claim which would have helped greatly about 8 or 9 football fields earlier but you take what you get.

Since we had to catch plane to Chengdu, I did not see anything in Beijing beyond the airport itself.




的事情之一的北京机场是巨大的规模。我相信,我们的大门行李也许至于10个足球场这是非常累人的,因为我现在不仅携带我的电脑包,我的肩袋与 iPod ,眼镜,照相机等,但也有酒精和香烟的免税商店。毕竟我担心海关检查和H1N1病毒测试,但几乎没有任何查阅所有。他们从来不考虑我的体温困扰,没有人看我的书包内,事实上,我能够让我的书包和离开码头没有遇到任何安全的。他们提供免费的手推车将您袋左右,但只有前行李认领这将大大有助于大约8或9足球场较早,但你什么你。



22nd August 2009

Well....I've got to say you seem to have faired much better than I thought you would. Good job Dad. I've read your blogs so far and they're interesting, but what about Lisa? Are you going to share more?
24th August 2009

It's always interesting to read an American's point of view on traveling to China. I guess we both agreed that Big airport is not a good airport :)

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