Off to China

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August 16th 2009
Published: August 16th 2009
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This is going to be an interesting trip to say the least. I have never really traveled well. I like sleeping in my own bed and am very much a creature of habit. Everything that gives me comfort in life is simply out the window here.

Why China? The answer is quite simple...I will call her Lisa. Thanks to my friend Jing Jing, I have been introduced to a wonderful, smart, funny and beautiful woman who started by offering to pay my way. Of course, I could not let her do that but after many hundreds of e-mails, endless hours of video chat and telephone calls the only thing left was of course to go. So I had to get a passport, a visa and off I go.

Normally I am a bit more private and would not air my adventure publicly but it seems clear that the object is to become engaged and I don't think it will hurt my efforts to obtain a visa for her if I say what is going on and that is the obvious goal. I am lucky to have found such a woman.

For those who are interested, I have prepared an itinerary for this trip but it is subject to change. I have instructed Google Documents not to require a login for this itinerary but sometimes it asks you to login anyway. If that is the case, keep trying.


20th August 2009

Excellent intro! I am really excited to keep up on your blogs! I know they aren't top priority but I still want some updates!! Love you Daddy!!!
24th August 2009

Alas!! Long anticipated blog from Craig. yea!!!

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