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February 23rd 2006
Published: February 23rd 2006
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February 21nd, 2006
Day 47 of our cruise of 105,
South East of Capetown, South Africa.

Crossing of the south Atlantic was comfortable, more of a swell last night going from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean; I put a pillow on the outside of my half of a king size bed so that I don’t fall out of bed but it is not really necessary.

We enjoyed Capetown. Living in the Waterfront area was a treat, close to any tourist need possible. We traveled through town with no difficulty. I did not see the townships or the shanty towns; our friends did and they never felt in danger. They did stay with some friends in Hout Bay and were puzzled by a locking metal gate between the living area and the sleeping quarters. Lovely town but I would not want to live there.

My favorite time was on an excursion we took our first night. We were bused to the top of Signal Hill and served Sundowners( appetizers) and Champagne as the clouds were drifting up and down Table Mountain and the adjoining range. After about an hour of socializing with our ship mates, we boarded the bus and drove a few minutes to the African Café Restaurant for a 16 course diner and entertainment. Loved it!

Sunday, when Terry went to the cape, I toured a Gold Museum; I was to see a Diamond factory, but because the power was off, they could not turn off the security so some of the tour was cancelled. Again we were Champagned and appetizered- my type of town.

We are getting into big time safari country. Tomorrow we are going on a one day trip to a game reserve: Lalibella; we are hoping to see the Big Five: Lion, Rhino, Elephant, Buffalo and Leopard- please, no more penguins!

We are expecting our invite to the captain’s table shortly- so I have gone on a diet to get into my green and purple polka dot two piece.

February 22nd, 2006
Day 48 of our cruise of 105,
South East of Port Elizabeth, South Africa.

Terry and I enjoyed the game reserve today, we were at Lalibela game park. We saw many African animals in their native habitat. We also were treated to an African BBQ and Xhosa dancing, drumming and singing.
As we were leaving the boat this morning there was a Khoi-San group who performed a dancing, druming and singing show- very nice.

Tomorrow at sea and then Richard’s Bay on our Friday.

Hello my children, hello granny.
Hello Cristiano and Wendy

Ttys, love to all

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Photos: 13, Displayed: 13


23rd February 2006

Looking at the pictures they are GREAT! love the animals...Dad you really know how to pick out things*cough* isnt Africa great guys!...I'm so jelouse..Love you and Miss you

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