Galapagos Islands

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February 18th 2006
Published: February 18th 2006
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Galapagos Islands

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Giant land tortoiseGiant land tortoise
Giant land tortoise

They are soo huge! This one is 170 years old! These ones are endemic to Galapagos Islands.
Marine IguanaMarine Iguana
Marine Iguana

They´re normally black but in the mating season they turn red and blue/green in colour to attract the females!
A blue-footed boobyA blue-footed booby
A blue-footed booby

They really do have bright blue feet!
A green pacific-sea turtleA green pacific-sea turtle
A green pacific-sea turtle

We snorkelled with turtles - they´re so graceful when they´re swimming.

Some of the islands had beautiful white sandy beaches where we could swim and snorkel.
Sea lion basking in the sunSea lion basking in the sun
Sea lion basking in the sun

The sea lions were soo cute - I took loads of photos just of sea lions looking cute! must go back and delete some...
A galapagos penguinA galapagos penguin
A galapagos penguin

They´re great posers for photos! I saw one swimming away when I was snorkelling.
Me next to a sea lionMe next to a sea lion
Me next to a sea lion

The animals are not frightened by humans and you can get really close to them.
A land iguana eating cactusA land iguana eating cactus
A land iguana eating cactus

These animals look really pre-historic!

19th February 2006

Blue-footed boobies
Their feet are so blue! Remarkable. Great that you could get so close to the wildlife!
19th February 2006

Lovely pictures - fantastisc you have now been to the Galapagos! The 170 year tortoise do look a bit tired :-)
20th February 2006

I want a booby!
Beckster - you HAVE to bring me a sea lion back. Not the dark grey ones, but that little beige fluffy fella who's sunbathing in your picure would be fine - how cute!!! I know there are laws against sea lion smuggling, but you'll find a way. Think of it as part of your adventure... One of those booby birds with the bright blue feet would be good too coz they match quite a lot of my clothes. xx

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