I'm in Africa!

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Africa » Tanzania » North » Arusha
July 2nd 2009
Published: July 2nd 2009
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Jambo! I'm in Tanzania!

I completely cannot believe that i am here, I am so excited and filled with this energy I've never had before. I don't want to sit anywhere but run around and see everything, meet everyone. I've only been here two days and i feel like my entire life is different, like I've already done so much. But the first few days do take the most adjusting.

The flights took a day and a half, but i arrived without any mishaps, and got my VISA at the airport along with most passangers. they didn't even check my vaccination card, just asked for 100 cash and my passpart and voila, my visa. my program was waiting outside for me, and the first employee i saw was Omi. i immediately imprinted on him like a duckling, the person who would take care of me my first hours in Tanzania. He turned out to be a major flirt, hitting on every single girl, clearly a perk to the job. I met a bunch of girls (most of the volunteers are girls) at the airport, and everyone was friendly, but i felt like i was the only one exploding with anticipation on the inside.

Soon i was dropped off at Mama Jo's house, and she immediately welcomed me with her big arms and colorful raps. she held my hand and showed me around, made me food and took care of me, telling me to call her mama, which i gladly obliged. even though i was filled with energy i managed to fall asleep since i t was already late. the next mroning we headed to the volunteer house for orientation.

after meeting wonderful people from all over the world, including canada england wales australia new zealand and all over america, we had a swahili lesson and learend the rules of hte program. then we went out toe explore arusha. we must have looked funny, a huge group of "mazoongo" or white people, walking around the city.

It is so amazing here. there are masai people everywhere, just walking downt the street in full regalia, side by side with men in suits. the daldalas are like the taxi vans in israel but falling apart, and filled to the brim with smelly people and teh occasiona chicken, with people just ride on the outside of them. in the back of mama jo's house they have all these animals wondering around the yard,, including two huge cows, cgoats sheep chickens and ducks. and everything is in shiling and times 1000, so 50 cents is 500 shilling which is so weird. plus everything is cheaper which is nice. Everyone here always says "you are most welcome" every time you enter a place or do anything.

I miss you all and wish you were here to see all of this! there is so much more to share, so ill be sure to log in again!




2nd July 2009

hey if everything is so cheap can you buy me like 5 presents instead of 1? send me your address tool em

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