Phnom Penh Day 2

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Asia » Cambodia
June 23rd 2009
Published: June 25th 2009
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On our second day in PP, we woke up around 4am. The sun was just coming up over the Mekong River and it was just beautiful!!! Luckily our room had the PERFECT view! I kept trying to take pictures through our glass doors, and the pictures were just coming out terrible. Jeff wouldn't let me go outside because he was afraid of mosquitos. I went out anyways to get better pictures. It was just stunning.

We visited the Royal Palace today. Wow that place is cool. Some rooms made up of pure silver tiles. Some statues made of pure gold and diamond inlays. We hired a guide and learned a lot of history about the place. We didn't meet the king.

We also went to the National Museum which had some very cool stone artifacts and old carvings that you would find in Angkor Wat!

We also went the Wat Phnom. It was a little scary because here, there were many more poor people around than we were used to. Some little kids immediately flocked to Jeff - the white guy. They followed him around for a while. It was very sad and we felt very bad for them, but once you give money to 1 then they will swarm you so you just don't want to do that. The beggar boy kept telling Jeff "I need money for school sir."

We took pictures of monkeys that were hanging outside the temple.

Dinner time was at my family's house. Ive never been in a house so nice before! Definitely the nicest house I've ever been in - including ones in America. We joked that we lived in a hut compared to that house.


25th June 2009

did u see the gay prince? :P sounds spiffy. there are idiots who left work on your chair. lol

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