Me again...

Published: June 16th 2009
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By popular request (who would have thought so many people would be interested in the mechanications - is that a word?! - of my lovely car), I must tell you more about Betty Boy. He's a 2004 Honda CR-V. Apparently one of the safest, most reliable cars on the road. A yummy mummy car. Although I am not a mummy. I haven't a clue about size or horsepower. It struggles slightly up hills but that's probably because half my life is weighing down the trunk. And maybe cars aren't meant to go 70mph up a hill??! But Helen, he is not a monster. Really, compared with other trucks on the car Betty Boy is rather diminutive. I have seen trucks with tyres/tires that are almost as tall as me. Why anyone needs such large tyres/tires is beyond me. Imagine if you got a puncture...

And Helen, the horn is just a horn, I'm afraid. I know what you mean about a jingle. He does look like a jingle-horn kind of car. He also has squeaky brakes, which the mechanic told me this morning is absolutely fine. Until this morning he also made an intermittent clunking noise. I was slightly concerned this was symptomatic of him about to collapse into a heap so I took him to the garage. Six hours later I was informed that a bolt was loose. The kind mechanic sorted it for free (the accent works its charm again!!!) and I am happy again.

In response to other messages, yes Mary, I am as happy as I sound.

No, Auntie Shelagh, I didn't catch wind of the cinnamon roll shop in at Morro Beach but have seen quite a few surfers stripping off at the beach. Another breathtaking view, but still not as dramatic as Nik's surfer flatmate. I'm still recovering from seeing him walk out the bathroom in just a little towel, and that was in January!!

Mel, I did drive through Carmel. It was pretty, although I never found the centre of town. So I looked at all the quirky little houses instead.

Alex, I knew you would know which bar I was talking about. I was rather fond of that disgusting place, wasn't I? Going through my own hobo phase maybe. I believe I have a picture of me swigging from a bottle of wine there??? Oh, how times have changed.

And just so you know, I did get to San Luis Obispo before sunset. Phew. It's a pretty college town. Had great frozen yoghurt with crushed Oreo cookies on top. Stayed in the hostel with a nice Swiss woman who snored like a ... I can't find a word to describe it. A Chinese woman staying in the same room woke everyone up at regular intervals throughout night chastising the Swiss woman. Of course Miss Swiss slept through it all. There are times when hostel life isn't all that thrilling.

I am now in Santa Barbara. More beautiful beaches, good food, friendly people, nice hostel (private room, ensuite bathroom - I love being a grown-up). More of the same really. No need for photos and stuff. Hope you don't mind.

Finally, Mel, I am driving alone until Sunday when I pick Alex up from L.A.


16th June 2009

my lovely jennifer ,, there is no such word !!!!!!!! i am surprised at you ha ha .. and i am so glad you are having a ball ,,, dont forget to visit the beautifl"soquel2 u will love it,, and freemont i had a great time there too... looking forward to the next instalment and drive carefully .. lots of love bernie xxx
16th June 2009

Bernie, I did go through Soquel. I dropped off Teri at a Buddhist retreat in the hills behind the town. Maybe you have been to the retreat too?! It was lovely. Can't remember where Freemont is, but if I'm going that way I'll definitely stop in.
17th June 2009

Hiya Jen, I think you'll find that you can use the word machinations. Although it means intrigue it is useable in the machine sense of how things work. Doncha just love me for my lexicography???!!!! luv'n'hugs.xx
17th June 2009

First of all, I love 'mechincations'! - I'm all for making up words that fit the occasion and that works just fine. Hostelling can be a challenge, I gather, as you never quite know what you will be getting before you arrive. We stayed in a hostel (fortunately for one night only) on Vancouver Island with our friends, John and Helen, last summer. John used to be head honcho for hostelling in British Columbia and they wanted us to 'have the experience'. It was very much a case of 'done that, don't need to do it again' for me - and for your elderly uncle. It seems the older we get the more we appreciate our creature comforts! However, for those young enough and intrepid enough to go on a jaunt such as yours, it is surely the best and most economic way of getting to see as much of the country as possible without having to do anything illegal, immoral or fattening to provide the wherewithal to get about! Glad to hear that Betty Boy now has a clean bill of health - keep the accent going; it will take you far! All best love from us both. xoxo
22nd June 2009

room for me?
Is there going to be any room for my pack and tent in the back of Betty Boy? Have you established the dashboard garden yet? We have a surf board in the kitchen now, a proper surfing household! You'll have to come back to visit so he can teach you how to surf!
22nd June 2009

room for me!
Of course my sweet there will be room for you. I have established nada, rien, nichts just yet. We can always get a roofrack! Not that I need an excuse to visit you down under again, but surfing lessons with Mr Flatmate could convince me!

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