Tongli - Water Village

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Asia » China » Jiangsu » Tongli
May 20th 2009
Published: May 20th 2009
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These shots from a day trip to a water village near Suzhou (about 1.5 hours west of Shanghai). Though thoroughly Chinese, the town also had a European feel to it -- a bit like Venice with its canals and bridges, and the narrow alleys and simple architecture reminded me of medieval towns in Europe. No wonder this place gets used a lot for movie sets. I heard MI:3 has some scenes from here.

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20th May 2009

I like the abtraction of the wall, pic #4. Too bad can't read chinese. Thanks for sharing and have a good time in Thailand. Post some pics after the trip, won't you? -A
26th May 2009

Rudy, What gorgeous photos...Looks like you're having quite the experience over there, I'm so happy for you :) xok

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