So Much To Do, So Little Time

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May 17th 2009
Published: May 17th 2009
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Campaign time has been rapidly approaching, and we have been working day and night, trying to get better situated to function efficiently.

One of our major housing issues has been our water situation. We have not had enough water pressure to make the hot water flow, and have still been heating water on the stove if one wants hot water for bathing. One of the major projects over the past week, in an attempt to remedy this situation, has been the construction of a tower, on which there would be put a bigger water tank. In addition to more water pressure, we've needed a way to store more water, because city water is not available every day. George and the boys have spent hours and hours buiding the tower. After the tower was constructed, George had to go to town and hunt down a crane to come and raise the tank onto the tower. Fortunately, he was able to find one Friday morning, and finally, mission accomplished! We had some city water on Saturday, so were able to get some water in the tank, although not enough to fill it. The kids were happy that they were able to have hot water in which to bathe this morning. Still need a little more work to get hot water to the kitchen and another bathroom, so our stove is still putting in a lot of over time heating water. 😊 On the downside, there is a new water leak in the drive, which means some time this week that spot will have to be dug up and the line repaired.

Wednesday we had a group of 10 arrive from Northport, AL. They are here to do a children's Bible seminar at Mto wa Mbu (Mosquito River), as well as some personal evangelism in that area. They flew into Nairobi, and then took a shuttle bus from Nairobi to Arusha. We went to pick them up with three vehicles - a couple for people, and one for luggage. We initiated them to Africa by needing a push start for the old Land Rover we recently purchased, to help us get by until our more reliable vehicle arrives. George and the boys will need to do some work on it before it can be relied on. The Samfords are returnig this week, and of course they will need their own vehicle back, and so it's going to be challenge having reliable transportation for our family.

Friday evening our guests arrived - Joshua Heck and Lydia Purdom. Lydia came and stayed with us last year during campaign time. Both have come to help with our campaign efforts, and will be with us for a month.

Saturday evening we had a total of 21 people at our house for supper. The missionary families are taking turns providing meals for our guests. Since all of us have busy days, it's nice to have these times of getting together and enjoying a meal, visiting and getting to know one another better.

Today, Sunday, was a very full day for us. We worshiped with a small congregation in Karatu, which is about 2 1/2 hours away. After a little difficulty in finding the place, we arrived and enjoyed worship with these brethren. We had packed a lunch for the drive home, which we ate as we drove, and finally got home around 3:30 pm. We left again at 4:30 to go to the Gees, where we had a Sunday evening Bible study in English. We have felt it important to include this in our Sunday routine, so that we can enjoy a tiime of prayer, singing, and Bible study with one another, in our own language.

We have a full week ahead of us, and we ask for your prayers for our health and safety, as we have some long days ahead of us and much time on these dangerous roads.

Your fellow servants,
the Jensens

Additional photos below
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Driving to Karatu May 17Driving to Karatu May 17
Driving to Karatu May 17

Joshua Heck, front and center :)

17th May 2009

Will pray
We will pray for your health and safety. It is good to read of and see pictures of your experiences there. It is also good to see pictures of some from Northport, Cleveland (Bankston, AL), and Josh Heck. I am glad they all, along with Lydia, made it there safely. Have a blessed week. :o) Love, Michelle Fuller
18th May 2009

I must have been absent the day that they covered welding at preaching school... :) You all are such a talented family. I think you're well suited for the work there. Keep it up! In Christian Love, Patrick
22nd May 2009

We are so glad our friends have arrived safely. We are praying that their time with you, as well as the entire campaign season, will be productive for the Lord and encouraging for you all. We love and miss you all very much!

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