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May 12th 2009
Published: May 12th 2009
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The hop over from Amsterdam.

Unicorn in AberdeenUnicorn in AberdeenUnicorn in Aberdeen

We came across this fellow perched atop a gazebo-type of structure in a square on our way to the beach. Rachel said the unicorn in chains used to be a symbol for Scotland
We are here. In Scotland.

The clock on my computer is set for home, which marks the time as 1:35pm. It is 9:35pm in Aberdeen. The daylight is finally filtering away despite the birds’ best efforts to keep the day going through song.

I don’t recall the last time I had an “all-nighter,” and the journey to get here reminds me and Jeremiah that we are too old for such activities. We did not sleep on the airplane. We were pretty awake when we arrived in Aberdeen and were eager to start exploring the world. Consequently, aside from a couple of naps, Jer and I have not slept in over 30 hours. Guess what we will be doing once I finish this entry?

The weather was incredibly nice today in Aberdeen. I am not sure of the temperature, but the sun was out and after being cooped up in airports and on airplanes the rays were absolute bliss. Alex picked us up from the airport, took us to his flat and we caught up a bit before wandering out for a bite to eat and a visit with Rachel. We wandered a fair bit with her but then the lack of sleep took its toll on us. We squeezed in a cat nap before supper with Alex, Christina, Xavier and Theo. Xavier and Theo are great kids. They seemed to really enjoy Jeremiah’s company, and showed off many of their toys to him.

Aberdeen is incredible. Lots of stone buildings. The uneven pathways were a challenge for my fatigued mind and body today; I hope I can negotiate better tomorrow with a full night’s sleep in my favor.

Jer has fallen asleep, and I wish I were doing the same. My apologies if these entries are a bit dull and uninteresting; while we are on our journey, I intend to write up the “here’s what we did” type of entries; when we return and I have more time to reflect on our trip as a whole, I will probably write more thoughtful, theme-based entries. Comments are always appreciated!


12th May 2009

So jealous..wish I were hanging out over there!! Although the sun finally came out today despite the dark clouds surrounding it. I love reading your have a way with words..something like a writer..(*snicker*) I wish I could write..I guess some people have a knack, and you sure do (and you can type super fast too!) Say Hi to Jer for me and have lots of fun!
13th May 2009

Yay! Yay! Yay!
I am so excited for you! Have fun and take lots of photos.

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