Well finally something good...

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Asia » Hong Kong » Hong Kong Island
April 29th 2009
Published: April 30th 2009
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OK chaps!

I'm on my way to New Zealand... Unfortunatly I had to calm my nerves with a couple of pints of Titanic Velvet Curtain (very tasty porter, moderately hopped) in Heathrow T5.

Spotted one dude with a surgical mask on (paranoid per chance?). Once he was on the plane he took it off, I took this opportunity to cough an sneeze as much as I could and as close by him as possible. Needless to say he spent the rest of the journey with his mask on...

I on the other hand might get swine/bird flu (depending on the day of the week)...

So we're all settled in for the flight and the captain asks the stewards to "take seats for landing"... Followed by lots of laughing over the intercom.. I'm still nervous.

On the plus side, got a free toothbrush. I think it might have been designed by Ann Summers, am i the only one with a filthy mind, seriously, look at it!!!

Waiting to Taxi and the pilot comes across very apologetic, there's been a second delay in take off, blah, blah, blah... I'm thinking we're gonna be sat there another hour,
My hotel!!My hotel!!My hotel!!

My hotel!
turns out it was only a 5-10 min delay (me thinks the NHS have made me a monster of a pessimist, 10 mins is nothing!)

Got g&t, vino and whisky off flight crew. Landed in HK around 1600 (0900 BST)... found way to hotel and bar.
Had some happy hour drinks and the complementary ones they give you on arrival. I think i've been drinking with Jackie Chan, but not sure, I was a bit tipsy. Anyway it was agreed by all that JC was indeed there. Found a bar where you can thrown peanut shells on the ground! Terribly rustic, eh? Phil (my imaginary posh dog) would have a ball!

Anyhoo enough ramblings for now. I haven't slept in 31 hours so off for a snooze. Update later.


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Dubious BA toothbrushDubious BA toothbrush
Dubious BA toothbrush


30th April 2009

Glad you're getting there.... are you staying for long?

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