Nelson and Abel Tasman, Marahau

Published: February 23rd 2009
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Saturday 21st February - Went to the street market in Nelson - full of stalls with local crafts, art and produce - very classy. Met an antique dealer who warned us about the sand flies suggested we try a mixture of Dettol and baby oil!! We’ll see how successful that is.
Back to the site for lunch and a stroll by the river before getting changed to go and eat at The Boat Shed in Nelson - highly recommended by Llara and co.
Wonderful place reminiscent of Shell Bay Restaurant in Studland. What a meal - took us three hours with Entrée, Main course of Salmon for Lyn and Swordfish for Tony, followed by a hot blue cheese in a port and grape sauce all washed down with a bottle of Nelson chardonnay and a couple of glasses of red. Thank you Llara brilliant suggestion - it was delicious.

Sunday 22nd February - leisurely start on the road to Abel Tasman national park - only a short way but wonderful scenery yet again. Headed for Marahau and stayed at the beach camp, booking in for sea kayaking in the morning (8.30 start!).

Monday 23rd February - 8 in our group and Hamish was our guide. Received our instructions on how to get in and out of the kayak plus all the safety issues. Then it’s a question of loading the kayaks onto the back of a trailer, transporting them a few hundred yards to the lagoon and putting all the instruction into practice. The launch went remarkably well!! Lyn was in the front navigating (and paddling!) and Tony was in the back steering (and paddling!). It was a beautiful calm sunny day and the sea was a vivid aquamarine. Stopped for elevenses on a deserted beach having paddled across the bay before following the rocky coast to another sandy cove for lunch. Then its out of the kayaks and on to a water taxi to take us further up the coast to Bark Bay stopping to look at fur Seals en route. Disembarked and started a 2 hour walk along the Abel Tasman path back towards Torrent Bay. Picked up by water taxi again and taken back at speed to Marahau Beach (15 min journey to cover what had taken us all morning in the kayaks!). Yet another WOW day.
Tomorrow we move on but not sure where yet
Interesting - a fellow camperInteresting - a fellow camperInteresting - a fellow camper

Not a hired vehicle!!
- it will be difficult to leave this beautiful place.

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24th February 2009

sounds like you needed that exercise after eating for 3 hours - piggies!!

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