After the Weekend...

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February 22nd 2009
Published: February 22nd 2009
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The Days are Getting Normal

For perhaps the first time, today just seemed routine and “normal.” Not boring, but normal. Partly this is because we’re coming off of a three day weekend, partly it’s because this is the fifth assessment center and I finally have my routine down, and partly it’s because I am habituating to the environment. It’s an interesting thing when that happens. I didn’t even take any photos today, and that’s a first.

After work tonight, the Aramco people took us to a nice Italian restaurant in downtown Khobar. Mike was there with his son and wife. Tom (who used to work for PDI, but now works for Aramco) was there with his wife. Anthea (the ultra-Aussie) was there and of course the the seven of us PDI'ers. It felt like a large family dinner. After working side-by-side with all of these people for 2½ weeks, it felt very “normal” to have dinner with everyone. Quite honestly, all of us get along very well. I still quite enjoy the international flavor of the group and listening to the experiences of the various people.

The driving “skills” of Khobar drivers does amaze me. Apparently, a rules-driven society does not extend to driving. Tonight I saw a car make a left turn from three lanes away and apparently red lights are mere suggestions. These drivers put New York cabbies to shame. Did I mention that women are not allowed to drive cars? Perhaps if they did, some sanity would be brought to the situation. Something to think about.

Tomorrow is the end of SAC 5. Because of the long weekend, the coaching day has been eliminated. Unfortunately, that means I need to prepare all of the paperwork, reset the computers, etc. tomorrow evening after the last people leave, rather than on the middle day. I suspect it will be a long day. However, then it will be a quick two-days before I leave to go back home. My flight is a 10:30 pm flight on Wednesday out of Bahrain. Then it’s on to Abu Dhabi, Amsterdam, and finally Minneapolis.

Today was another sand storm. This one wasn't as bad as the last one, but it does make the place look like Los Angeles on it's worst smog day. I hope the sun returns. (Yes, I know it's 2 degrees with 6 inches of snow in Minnesota, so I'm not really looking for sympathy.)


23rd February 2009

I'd like to take this opportunity to brag and say that it has been 80 degrees here since friday. :):) haha.
23rd February 2009

"Ultra" Aussie?!
OK, I feel the need to step in and defend my countrywoman, here ;-) (Hugh Jackman just hosted the Academy Awards, so maybe I'm in a patriotic mood...) So.... what exactly characterizes an Ultra-Aussie??! On a separate note - time sure is flying by, and you'll be home in no time. I hope the last couple of days continue to be interesting, notwithstanding the work. I'm heading off to San Fran this morning to do a client presentation - keep your fingers crossed!
23rd February 2009

Ultra-Aussie = someone who has Australian coasters, Australia signs all over their house, a VERY Australian accent, and a large flag of Australia.
23rd February 2009

Time Flies
Wow, Ted--your trip is almost at an end! Now what do you expect all of us viewing your blog to do with our days? You'll have to hurry off somewhere else soon. Where's the picture of your coffee pot? Am also assuming you bought an oil well in a snowglobe at the pharmacy?!
23rd February 2009

Snow Globes
I'm guessing that snow globes aren't real popular in this part of the world. However, I had taken a photo of my house right before I left (it was the one day in January over freezing) and people are fascinated by seeing all of the snow. eve, if you want to setup an endowment for me to travel and write blogs, I'd be happy to do so! However, I think I'd have to clear it with Linda first!

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