Day 7

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Europe » Spain » District of Madrid » Madrid
February 10th 2009
Published: February 11th 2009
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Andrea was the first to Comment on my last post!!!

(Day 6)

Sorry I didn’t write yesterday. I left Ross’s house at noon and when I got into London I when and found 221 baker street. Home of Sherlock Holmes. Then I headed back to the Messersmith and watched the kids for a few hours while their babysitter when to an appointment. The babysitter and her husband came back after about two hours. I then tool the two older boys to their karate lesson. That was fun because it was at an “Arts building” so I could see the improv and drama class’s acting out their thing:-) I then went home and the babysitter had pizza for us. After we ate they left me to watch the kids. Yeah, when you think about it’s scary, me watching the five Messersmith kids all by myself. So I sent the kids to bed at 9 and then fell asleep on the couch, so I didn’t post anything.)

Day 7

Woo Hoo. One week, it has felt like a life time since I left. As far as the trip is going, it’s awesome! Sometimes I can’t believe I am doing it. Me, little baby

Travis out on his own, traveling the world. Anyway, I left the house at 6:30 this morning and got to the airport at 8 and then I called home, where it was 3 in the morning, to ask mom a question. Thanks mom. Bro. Lyons, a missionary in Madrid, Spain, pick me up at the airport and took me to his house. We had lunch and then went and help a new missionary set some things up in his house. We then went shopping with the new missionary and his wife, for 5 hours. I’m not joking, I was so tired and we when to IKEA for two straight hours. Yeah I’m not complaining because I am in Spain, but I was so tired I was falling asleep on the beds there 😊 it is strange to be in a country that you can’t speak to anyone. It was funny because a lady walked by talking on the phone in English and I was like, “hey! I know what you are saying”. I’ll be heading into Madrid tomorrow and hopefully the language barrier will not hinder me too mush.
Things I miss: Guns and my big truck.

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11th February 2009

Little Baby Travis, Wow ... watching the 5 little M's might just be the most daring thing you do while you're gone. A five hour shopping trip ... woohoo. Oh for a picture of you falling asleep in IKEA :) I can't believe you called mom at 3 am! We pray for you every day ... love, A
11th February 2009

Spain, cool, Try to speak Tex Mex there and see if it works.
11th February 2009

fish and chips
Fish and chips with KETCHUP?! WHAT is happening in London? Love those red-headed kids. Look like Bohdi, my new grandson. Have LOTS of fun!
11th February 2009

Catching up
How did you conjure up the babysitter so quickly from your backpack? I am certainly impressed! You can give me some pointers when you get home.
11th February 2009

they did have lots of vinegar and salt on them :-)
12th February 2009

Does that mean I get a prize? Mathis wants to say: hi, just hi :) Kate meanwhile is crying in the other room because she wants to see more Uncle Tavy ... she's specifically asking for a picture of a baby, if you can work that out :) Love, A

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