Leave nothing but bubbles (Ko Tao, Thailand)

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January 19th 2009
Published: January 23rd 2009
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(Day 290 on the road)Arriving back in Bangkok from Yangon, I spent two "medical days" there, visiting the hospital (to get a vaccination) and a dentist (for a checkup). As soon as that was over and done with, I caught a night bus and a ferry to the island of Ko Tao on Thailand's east coast.

The ferry crossing to Ko Tao was plain awful: The sea was rough and the catamaran was bouncing on the waves like crazy. I don't think there were many people who were not sick, and the staff could hardly hand out plastic bags as quickly as passengers needed them. I managed to fill four of these bags, and thus arrived on the island with a pretty empty stomach. I wish I had been a bit better to take a video of the passengers on the boat, the sound of so many people throwing up at the same time was pretty unique.

Once on Ko Tao, I found a very nice and affordable bamboo bungalow on a secluded stretch of beach on the eastern end of the island. It was pretty far from anywhere (about 20 minutes on a rough dirt road from the main part of the island), and consequently very relaxed. So I spent the next week doing not very much at all, apart from sleeping, reading three books, swimming. There was also small diving centre right next door, and I went out with them on the boat for a few dives, which was great. Leaving nothing but bubbles...

Then, it was time to leave to make my way over to Kuala Lumpur, where I am meeting my very good friend Jawad in a few days time. He is coming over here from London for a three week holiday, and we will be travelling across Malaysia together. Perfect!

Next stop: Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia).

To view my photos, have a look at pictures.beiske.com. And to read the full account of my journey, have a look at the complete book about my trip at Amazon (and most other online book shops).


23rd January 2009

Meine Tauchlerninseln... ich will auch :-) Freut mich, dass Du auf diesem kleinen Idyll ein bisschen Nichtstun konntest :-)
1st February 2009

knapp verpasst...
Hey Ben, wann warste genau auf Ko Tao??? Waren die letzte Woche auf Ko Pagnan!! Hätten uns also fast treffen können. Mann, Mann, hätt ich das gewusst...
7th April 2009

Viele Grüße
Hey Ben, habe Deinen Eintrag zu Ko Tao gesehen und es wurden Erinnerungen wach. Vor dem Semester in HK habe ich dort auch eine Woche am Strand rumgegammelt.... Weiterhin alles Gute und viel Spaß!! Wolfgang

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