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January 8th 2009
Published: January 8th 2009
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Hello all from sunny Melbourne : )

We travelled to Melborne on the horrible night bus - but thankfully that will be the last!

We are staying in an area called South Yarra which is lovely and only 10 mins from the city.

On Tuesday we chilled out in the burbs and tried not to look like walking zombies and had a very early night.

On Wednesday we had a city exploration day. We Waled through the main central district, over the Yarra river to an area called South Bank (very cool) then we headed up The Eureka Skydeck - the new and highest viewing platform in the Sourthern Hemisphere! We had a few drinks on Federation Square and headed back to S.Yarra for a trip to TGI Fridays!!!!!

Yesterday we had a fantastic day. We hired a car and took off along the Great Ocean Road (the B100). It took us just over 6 hours to reach the 12 Apostles - however it was well worth the trip. We stopped at many viewing points along the way and on the way back we stopped in a wooded area (The Otway National Park) to find the koalas which we had seen earlier in the afternoon sleeping awaken! They we all moving around in the trees, eating and some making mating sounds climbimg after each other - it really was a David Attenborough moment! We arrived back into South Yarra having negotiated city driving in the dark aroung 10PM!

Today we are headed to St Kildas, we have booked a trip to Philip Island tomorrow to see the Penguin Parade - NATURE! and on Sunday we are completing our Australian visit with the absolutley essential Ramsey Street Tour - I'm soooo excited!

Hope your all well? I have not heard from anyone in a while!

Lots of love Astrid & Chris xxx


9th January 2009

G'day Mate
It is so unfair,your Mum and I have to come home to cold and freezing Britain whilst you and the boy blunder get to continue your travels in sun kissed Oz. Furthermore you have a visit to TGI without me. Is there is no justice in the world. I am pleased to see your interest in nature is continuing, never mind the tuna count, what's the Koala count like, you must have seen quite a few by now. The penguin parade sounds facinating, take lots of photo's . Keep enjoying and keep on blogging love you lots Dad x

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