on the road again

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January 4th 2009
Published: January 4th 2009
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I knew I'd be emotional and not quite ready to go back for more adventure, and sure enough that's just how I feel. But we're going back for more. We had such fun being home and seeing as many of our friends and family members as we could (though sadly we weren't able to see everyone we wanted to see). We ended our Asian free food strike and had Sushi in Santa Barbara and Thai tonight. While home we had a lot of really good home cooked meals--and by home cooked I mean cooked in other people's homes and eaten by us. I did not do much cooking while home. Did a little baking.

We spent a lot of money on our gotta buy it here and take it back with us stuff and our bags are bursting. I feel like we overdid it, but it's hard not to stock up when given the opportunity. So stock up we did.

It's 12:00am and we are finally packed and ready. Van comes at 8am and this time we should be getting a big enough van to get all our stuff and the 4 of us to the airport. Hopefully, the trip back to Shanghai will be routine and non-eventful. As much as I'm always looking for a good story to share, a boring trip back would be fine with me.

2009 in China. Let's do this.


4th January 2009

Have a nice flight
Hope you have a great trip back. Sorry we coudn't see you this time. Toshimi is still a bit sick but getting better I think. Keep well. Love to all, Fred
4th January 2009

Good seeing you
Good seeing you guys again. Not sure we'll make it out there, but Amy is pushing so there's a chance :)
4th January 2009

Round two...
Safe journey and let the good times roll! Love, Aunt Geeze

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