In San Pedro

Published: November 15th 2008
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After what was a little over a 24 hour bus ride I am wiped. The place is pretty booked up but I got a room at the Eden Atacameno, fortunately. My advice for Chilean bus travel is this. Do not pick seat 47. It started out fine and dandy. The first thirty minutes I was by myself. Then I had a young lady with a 5 -8 month old on her lap next to me. The baby was well behaved but then 2 and 1/2 hours later another woman bumped her who had reserved seat 46. She had a 12 -18 month old who was not well behaved in the slightest. The mother tried to make her sleep in one of three directions. One was horizontally, with the childĀ“s head in my lap, the other was with her legs in my lap and the third was vertical with her head next to mine. The head in my lap was actually the best. She had happy feet in her sleep, so if her feet were in my lap, I was kicked every few minutes. And if her head was next to mine, she would scream in my ear every thirty minutes. I
Chile bus 2Chile bus 2Chile bus 2

Just a couple hours outside of Santiago
had planned for this contingency by bringing my ipod but it somehow broke in the moment between getting on the bus and sitting down. But I am alive and have a bed to sleep in tonight. So, no worries now. I am not sure what my plan is for the time here yet. I will let you know and post pictures from my nearly 2000 kilometer bus ride.

Additional photos below
Photos: 5, Displayed: 5


Getting RockyGetting Rocky
Getting Rocky

About halfway there
Getting DryGetting Dry
Getting Dry

Getting close and my skin is starting to feel it.

20th November 2008

That's hilarious!!
Hahah...sorry, i just have to comment on your bus ride...That is way too funny! Sorry to hear that you had an eventful bus journey....wish all the best afterward~ P.S. Go Buckeyes!!! :D

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