Dead Frogs and Englishmen...

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January 21st 2005
Published: January 21st 2005
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Well, we're finally on the road and five days into our week in Hong Kong. We've been all over the place using the fantastic public transport (buses, trams, trains and the famous 'Star Ferry').

On Monday we visited Kowloon Park. The highlight was the ten or so minutes spent looking at a giant frog sunning itself in a fountain. We eventually decided that the unfortunate amphibian was not sunbathing but had in fact expired earlier that day...otherwise the park was very nice and a welcome refuge from the city bustle.

Later on that day we visited the waterfront promenade and the 'Avenue of Stars' (the Hong Kong film industry's equivalent of Hollywood's 'Walk of Fame') and were surprised at the number of names we knew.

Finally, we went up The Peak for sunset and amazing views of the city skyline.

The next couple of days were spent exploring Hong Kong island including visits to the fantasic Hong Kong Park walk-through aviary (800 species of bird), some temples, the 45th floor of the tallest building in HK and the southern towns of Aberdeen and Stanley (we ate dinner last night looking over the South China Sea).

If it ever gets a cinema release in Britain we recommend the Hong Kong made 'Kung Fu Hustle' - very funny and lots of OTT Kung Fu action.

Additional photos below
Photos: 7, Displayed: 7


Star FerryStar Ferry
Star Ferry

Misty Hong Kong Harbour
Hong Kong by NightHong Kong by Night
Hong Kong by Night

A view of the island from Kowloon

21st January 2005

Cold here...!
Just thought you'd like to know that it is cold and raining here. As for 800 species of birds, I did manage a blackbird and some starlings in the garden today. Not quite so impressive huh? Well, enjoy your far east adventure - you deserve a darned nice time. - Bod

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