Goodbye to Yellowstone

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September 17th 2008
Published: September 17th 2008
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Another clear blue sky morning after a frost overnight. Hey, we have a propane heater to turn on when we get up and a down comforter on the bed. And by the time we are on the road the temperature has warmed up to fleece jacket conditions.

We headed south out of the park today but stopped at West Thumb Basin for our daily fix of steaming pools, this time right next to Yellowstone Lake. Hard to imagine that steaming pools could be so diverse in colour, depth, location. There were two limestone cones bubbling with hot water right in the lake and the lake temperature is 7 deg C. The board walks have been strategically placed to see these pools close up - great for photography. The video tripod needs lots of board walk real estate and fortunately we had to share it with only a few others.

Driving towards the Yellowstone south gate we next encountered the Lewis River valley. Fall colours have arrived with the frost. Blueberry in deep red, willow in yellow and other riverside bushes in a range of mellow orange and browns. Many stops to record the river and its colours.

Once outside the park we started to follow the Snake River valley and eventually Jackson Lake next to the Teton Range of 12,000 foot peaks. Across the lake the haze did not make good photography. The Rough Guide recommends early morning pictures but we have many Utah canyons to see and decided not to linger. Grand Teton National Park could easily have taken up a few more days. But since we had dallied in Yellowstone for almost a week, amazed at how the time flew, it was time to move on further south.

Tonight the campground WiFi required us to write our blog on a picnic table next to the registration building because the camp spot, only 100 metres away, could not pick up the signal. Note to all who read this - our blogs will be sporadic, depending on how the WiFi goes, or whether we have it at all. But tonight the evening was warm and no bugs and Kayla has lightning fingers on the keyboard as long as Richard holds the flashlight, so we were able to catch up by publishing the last few days of blogs.

On the good side of technology, now that we
Two Interesting Hot SpringsTwo Interesting Hot SpringsTwo Interesting Hot Springs

The hot blue ones were boiling.
are heading south, towards the satellite, which seems to be situated over north eastern US, we can pick up a good signal on the XM radio, and are following the US election campaign with great interest, plus picking up all our favourite music stations. Although the claims are that satellite radio can be picked up anywhere from sea to sea to sea, don’t believe what you read. When we were in the western arctic in 2006, we were too far north to pick up any signal for satellite radio. Guess the earth really is round!

Additional photos below
Photos: 19, Displayed: 19


West Thumb BasinWest Thumb Basin
West Thumb Basin

The pool in the foreground was boiling hard.
'Black Pool''Black Pool'
'Black Pool'

Which got hotter, killed off all the thermophiles and turned blue.
Lewis River ValleyLewis River Valley
Lewis River Valley

After a good hard frost, the blueberries had all turned crimson.
Grand Teton RangeGrand Teton Range
Grand Teton Range

Taken on a very hazy hot day.

17th September 2008

Beautiful and Awesome
computer at home is so slow lately that photos wouldn't download. Got the words, but no pics. So am here at work where technology works a bit better and was able to catch up on Yellowstone! Ron is off work today and checking into why the home com is so slow. How do I view your videos? I'm not very computer savvy with blogs and all but am enjoying the ride so far!
19th September 2008

How to view videos
There aren't any uploaded so far. Trouble with the travel blog site. However, I will try either Facebook or Youtube and let everyone know if successful.
27th September 2008

Many years ago
I don't recall any "places to sit and observe" many years ago when I was at some of those places, especially Old Faithful, but I wish I had seen some of those other hot springs too. Gorgeous!

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