My Little Skinny Indian Wedding

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December 18th 2005
Published: December 21st 2005
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Returning from Kathmandu to the mad hustle and bustle of India was always going to be difficult for us…but to go from Bhutan, the most chilled out place I have ever been, turned out to be a nightmare!!

Being back in India is pretty hectic and the cities are like London on fast forward!!
Calcutta turned out to be loud, leery, and suffocating. To make matters worse we seemed to spend 2 days working out how to get out of the damn city - Indian Challenge Anneka Rice! Our destination was a very hard to pronounce beach town in the south east and the event…a real Indian wedding between Victor (one of my work colleagues) and Florence. We hastily arranged outfits for the occasion I went for an Indian look with a cross between a dress and a Sari and LJ went for slightly easier option of a shirt and tie!

We had originally decided to grab a train but not that easy…..all were fully booked. So our thoughts turned to flying. Now India has a great budget airline called Air Deccan, which is cheap, but cheap for a reason. After an 8-hour delay we left for Madras at 1 am and then following 3 hours sleep in Madras and another flight we were finally arrived in Vizag - tired but excited.

For us “real India” started as we were suddenly embraced into a world of wonderful people who weren’t out to rip us off. Beautiful countryside, hotel on the beach and Victor’s friends and family showing us how great this country can be. Victor had kept mentioning that his engagement was on the 18th Dec and hadn’t said a word about the wedding so I was most surprised when we found out the actual wedding would be on the 19th……….what were we going to wear for 2 occasions, we had only planned for one! LJ ingeniously came up with wearing his shirt without the tie for the engagement whereas I was frantically pulling clothes out of my bag!!!

The Wedding was great fun and we were made to feel like real celebrities and force-fed endless platefuls of delicious curry!

Still doesn’t seem like Christmas although we did see an extraordinary Christmas tree, which seemed more fitting to be in a nightclub due to its psychedelic lights. However we have been singing a Christmas song daily and I saw fit to surprise LJ with a Santa hat I have been lugging around in my bag for the last 6 weeks!!

So on that note LJ’s parents are coming out and we embark on a grand tour of India in luxury stylee. We both wish all our friends and family a fantastic Christmas, gutted not to be there with you but we shall toast you all with a beer and a curry!

Additional photos below
Photos: 11, Displayed: 11


22nd December 2005

not all!
sitting here in the office, on the 22.12., alone, with cold outside and boring work, i am not in the slightest bit jealous of your fabulous trip and would not wish to be with you guys!! sounds absolutely amazing, thanks so much for keeping us updated with tales and pics! will e-mail you guys very soon, have a fantastic time with Dave and Maggie! love you lots, micky xxx
4th January 2006

Aaarrhgghghhg. I want to come out and join you. Its my first day back in the office after a month and I haven't a clue where to start. Happy chrimbo and happy 2006 to you both. You're having such a fabulous time - I love your diary. xxx
12th January 2006

a ball
looks like you're having one. Be sure to look me up when you get to perf. surf's been up! Happy New year. Jeremy 0403 947 557

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