Lastra a Signa

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September 9th 2008
Published: September 9th 2008
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Dean & Ains in front of the Duomo
After a four hour delay at midnight in Hong Kong, the Griswalds managed to arrive safely in Rome. An interesting train ride up to Florence (an incredible amount of graffiti along the train lines, many mid rise apartment buildings with washing hanging out the windows), with Tuscany absolutely picture perfect - rolling hills, gorgeous farm houses and orchards and vineyards. Picked up at Florence by our driver and delivered to the door of our Villa in Lastra a Signa. Dean has starred by picking such an amazing, incredibly authentic property for us to spend our week in Italy. The town has little tourists, with many residents and shop keepers speaking little or no English. What an experience! Our Villa has 10 metre high ceilings with beautiful painted frescoes, there's loads of antique furniture, 5 metre high gilded mirrors above the fireplace and a charming loggia outside with frescoed ceiling, wrought iron tables and chairs and original tiled floor. It looks onto typical mediterannean gardens, some with original concrete baths and walls. Photos will not do it justice! Have been into Florence for a couple of hours but plan to spend more time there tomorrow - Lochie especially enjoyed the more 'busy'

The main living room in our villa
town with lots of fashion but many many tourists. The Duomo group was amazing, we walked right around it and will climb the tower tomorrow. Have been eating lots of typical Italian food (yes, pasta and pizza!) but have been doing lots of walking too. Going for a drive to San Gimignano and Siena today (Dean is doing a great job of driving!), Florence again tomorrow then a huge day training it to Venice on Thursday. We are all well, Ains has been attacked by mosquitoes, Loch is enjoying being away from schoolwork and Dean and I are sleeping better than we have for ages! Love to everyone xxx


12th September 2008

Isn't Firenze so beautiful! We walked over the Ponte Vechio on a sunny autumn Sunday market day, then had lunch in a little trattoria decorated with photos of Italian filmstars. One bistro we went to had "Shaddupa your face" playing loudly - what a laugh and so far from the land of Oz!

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