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August 1st 2008
Published: August 1st 2008
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So I left off in texel, We spent an entire day touring that island. Which was interesting. There was lots to see on such a small island and it was a shame we only had one day to see it all. The day we left we drove across a 38 km dike. 25 years ago the dutch built it across one of their seas, and pumped out the water from behind it creating a new province. The lowest land is over 15m below sea level. After a long day driving we stopped in the german city of Wesel, where i had schnitzel with bacon and eggs on top! The next day we drove to Köln, where we saw the enormous Kölner dom. Really really hot today, hit 35. Stopped for the night in Rechtenbach. Went to the next city to go to a festival, where i had my first maß of beer. Which is a litre for all you non germans :p. In the morning we started on our way to the Schwabish part of germany. Arrived in Nordlingen in the early afternoon where we cluimbed the 70 meter tall Danial tower, and walked around the city on its 800 year old wall. Had dinner with my dads tante gisela, und oncle peter. This is a really short entry considering it was almost 6 days of stuff... whatever. youll get a good one next time. Stay Tuned!

Basically, your dog is allowed. But just cant poo.

Maritime Museum

Texel Dunes

Kölner Dom

Nordlingen from the Danial

Some church... I've been to so many


2nd August 2008

Jesus dude, when are you back home?
2nd August 2008

We are relieved to see that food descriptions are once again included! (-; Nice picture of you on the wall! (All your pics are super!)
10th August 2008

I get back in 6 days yo!
11th August 2008

Cool shots...
I remember seeing churches in Italy ... but I recall no names! :P So I don't blame you for forgetting the name ... but you'll surely remember the way it looked, or I should at-least hope so! :P Cool photo of you by Nordlingen... real picturesque.

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