USA Trip

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North America » United States » Maine
July 30th 2008
Published: July 30th 2008
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Total Distance: 0 miles / 0 kmMouse: 0,0

Finishing up the planning stages. My sister and I will travel across the country taking a northern route. We will be starting in Southern Maine and make it to Seattle, Washington in 21 days. I will fly back to Boston on August 24th, but my sister will continue traveling first up into Vancouver, BC, Canada and finally taking the southern route in the United States and back up the Eastern Sea Board after a visit in Florida.

Our plan is to see family, friends, amusement parks, a Redsox vs. Whitesox game in Chicago, and as many national parks as we can in the 21 days. Here is a tentative plan of our trip;

Southern Maine -> Central Mass. for a family reunion -> Northern NJ to visit our cousin
NJ ->Cleveland, OH to see the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Cedar Point Amusement Park in Sandusky, OH
Sandusky -> Chicago to see a Redsox game, catch up with an old friend, and grab some good eats.
Chicago-> Madison and Lacrosse, WI for some great micro brews and sausages
WI->the Badlands, Mt. Rushmore, Crazy Horse Memorial, and Wind Caves NP in South Dakota
South Dakota -> Yellowstone NP for three days
Yellowstone -> Glacier NP in Montana
Glacier NP -> Coeur d'Alene, Idaho where I'm hoping to play the floating green golf course
Coeur d'Alene -> Mt. Rainier NP
Mt. Rainier NP - > Seattle with a brief visit to Cascades or Olympic NP
Fly from Seattle back to Boston


31st July 2008

Can I go?
Wow - Eric what a trip! Easy on the beans it is a long trip! Michael
31st July 2008

Captain Harris
Of course you can mate!

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