End of week two already?!

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July 17th 2008
Published: July 17th 2008
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I can't believe week two is almost over. This week went by a whole lot faster than the first week. The museums and Palazzos are starting to blur together and I'm doing the best I can to differentiate them in my head! Plus it's hard when almost every church has the same paintings and same frescoes showing the same Biblical scenes. I can't tell you how many times I've seen "The Annunciation of Mary" or "The Cruxifiction of Christ" It's kind of sad because after a while they all blend together, but each fresco or painting is truly beautiful.

One of my favorite places so far have been the Brancacci Chapel in the Church of Santa Maria del Carmine. These frescoes were done by Masaccio and they look so real to life. They are pure emotion. I'm always in awe of the skill these artists had over 600 years ago! Everyone always stands awestruck by the image of Adam and Eve leaving the garden. You can just feel their pain and sorrow. It's really interesting to see the same Biblical account shown in so many different ways and to see how different artists interpret them.

On Monday night we went to the Bargello for a night of orchestral music. We enjoyed a good two hours of absolutely amazing music from a violin and piano duet. I was in band all through school and I've been around a number of good musicians, but this duo blew me away. I have never seen or heard talent like this before. It was truly an amazing night.

Tomorrow morning we head off to Milan! We're supposed to see a lot of churches and other architecturally impressive places, but I'm most excited about seeing Leonardo da Vinci's The Last Supper. I'm always awestruck when I'm standing inches away from a piece of art created by people such as Donatello, Michelangelo, Caravaggio, Rubens, Ghiberti, or . I just cannot conceive the fact that I'm truly seeing this masterpiece in real life. And to them stand in a structure designed by Brunelleschi, well I'm just beside myself. These works are centuries old and they still stand perfectly find as if they were built a few years ago. It's incredible.

Then on Sunday we head to Cinque Terre to hike the five villages along the coast. I've heard they can be really challenging, but I'm
Music night at the BargelloMusic night at the BargelloMusic night at the Bargello

As you can probably tell, our group of girls REALLY enjoyed our night out. Oh, and the music was amazing as well. Haha..
up for some good exercise (as if the walking and standing for 8 hours a day hasn't been enough).

I'll write again when I can find some wireless internet. Ciao for now!


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20th July 2008

Love your blog!
Stephanie: I love your writings! I feel as if I were right there with you. I, too, was blown away by the art and in my case, the organs that are still played magnificently in all the churches. The arts are so much more appreciated in European culture and there seems to be a genuine love for them. (Eye candy helps too!!!). Love the pictures, had no idea the mosquitos were so bad, love gelato, this opera season I ordered two box seats for the Lyric - you'll have to go to one of the four operas with me and continue to test your Italian!! Continue to write - it makes me feel as though I am right there with you. Fondly, Ms. J
20th July 2008

sister! haha.
heyy. i'm glad you're having such a great time! and even though all the museums and architecture would probably get old for me in about a week...i can tell you are definitely in your element. =] don't study too hard. and remember to go out to the bars and flirt with some hot Italian guy. hahaa. miss you and love you!

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