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July 5th 2008
Published: July 5th 2008
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We have finally made it to Italy! What an adventure. We spent several hours in the Nice airport trying to sort out the credit card situation for Susan. I really don't like to use this credit card, and just wanted to be able to get cash, but can't get a phone number that works. We'll try again tomorrow. I do have a temporary credit card and was able to use it at the grocery store.

If you are reading this blog and want a wonderful destination in Italy, we highly recommend the region of Liguria. If you want time for meditation and retreat, Triora is spectacular. Our daughter, Jennie, and her husband, Martin, have two flats in this small village, high in the mountains above the Italian Mediterranean. The views are amazing, temperature perfect, and 30 minutes from beautiful beaches. We traveled today to Pieve di Teco, a more substantial village than Triora, ate lunch and then continued to Santo Stefano Al Mare to see our friend, Clara. She was so surprised to see us and so happy to see Elliot. We had coffee there and visited for about an hour. Terry, Luke and I continued on to the grocery store to purchase food. We have thoroughly enjoyed cooking here. There is not a bad tomato in Italy! We've created some wonderful feasts the past couple of days. I'll write more about the food and hopefully we'll be able to download some photos tomorrow or Monday.

Jennie and Martin's larger flat is in the village's original piazza and just across is the cathedral which was constructed in 1598. The bells ring each hour of every 24 and we've been so tired at night that we don't even hear them. We've been staying with Luke and Elliot there and Jennie and Martin are staying in the smaller flat about 3 minutes walk away. The larger flat has 47 steep stairs and the smaller flat has 35 even steeper stairs. This we just for justification to eat gellato every day! I'm hopeing we're not addicted to this stuff! The coffee, too, is pretty wonderful!

No word on my wallet, and as we left Spain, I think I pretty much let go! I've decided to go back to carrying my drivers license (when I get one) and money in a baggie, which is what I used when we moved to Dallas. I had my purse snatched once in New Orleans, about 26 years ago, but I chased the person, grabbed in back and ran! I would never do that in this day - more later!


31st July 2008

small world we live in
Well hello- I laughed out loud. Here I am doing a bit of research on Triora, Italy. I spoke with my neighbors yesterday about our upcoming trip to Italy and they told me the name of the village that they own two flats in. As I was scanning the many different things written about Triora I stumbled on this blog. As I was reading it I realized that you are Jenny's parents. I'm the Alexandra that lives two houses down from Martin, Jenny and Elliot. Small world indeed. We had such a nice time with you guys when you came to our house for our Memorial cookout. As a matter of fact, I just got the sweet potatoe salad recipe with the curry from my mom and gave it to Jenny this mornig. My mother, Debbie, says sorry that she did not get it to you sooner and she would like to share another recipe of hers with you. Well back to my research. We have not yet found all of the places in Italy that we wish to travel to next year, but this has been helpful to me. You now have my email and I would love to hear ffrom you. Thanks, Alexandra

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