Billings, MT

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June 27th 2008
Published: June 28th 2008
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June 27, 2008.

Billings lies in a flat valley pushed up against a sheer cliff face on the north side. Logan International Airport sits atop the plateau above town. One approach to the airport is by way of a short but scenic route (Zimmern Trail). Donna recorded the attached video of our trips up and down Zimmerman Trail today.

Weather was great today and the sky really is big in Montana. Our frame of reference for temperature is skewed. At 82 degrees we were comfortable with the truck windows open and the a/c off while driving around town. After dinner tonight, the temperature settled in at 78 degrees, yet; Donna was cold and put on an insulated jacket. She is talking about getting in the hot tub tonight to warm up.

The day is longer here as well. Sunrise is at 5:30 am and sunset around 9:15pm. It is 9:40 pm now and the sky is still light.

We drifted around town today handling errands, washing clothes, mail and package deliveries, paperwork, etc. Tonight we are just going to sit back and relax in the room.


30th June 2008

What can I say???!!!
Makes you wonder just how the west got settled. Thanks for sharing a slice of your dream trip pie with us. Donna, look a little for me. Love ya!!

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