Santiago de Compostela

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Europe » Spain » Galicia » Santiago de Compostela
June 22nd 2008
Published: June 22nd 2008
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We arrived in this interesting city yesterday and have walked around in awe at the magnificent cathedral and the many smaller churches. Pilgrims abound, having walked a minimum of 112K to receive the certificate of compostela (the way of the stars that led the monk to the remains of St. James - brother of John).

We attended mass this morning at the cathedral. We cannot upload photos on this computer, so will send one later. The entire King of Glory could fit into one section. The pre-service was chanting in Latin by the priests; at least eight of them. They then processd with five altar boys and one of the priests was the singing leader. The essence of the sermon - from what we could glean - was that if we choose to trust God who cares for the birds in the sky, then adios problemos and for this we have gratitude.

We are inspired to take the walk of the pilgrims - from France - next year. Amanda, Hans & Luke, will you join me rather than a reunion of our bike trip? We could bike part of the way. The pilgrims only carry small backpacks and stay in hostels along the way. You can google the information - Santiago de Compostela. Our friend, Betsy from Taos, just completed the walk as we were arriving in Spain. We´ve wondered a lot today about her experiences and will be eager to hear. Cheers for now!


24th June 2008

ranger to san antonio
did you really give your youngest son to a trucker?

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