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June 7th 2008
Published: June 7th 2008
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Chris in tentChris in tentChris in tent

Our windows and doors all have screen nets which we keep shut as much as possible, but after waking up one morning with one arm covered in mosquito bites we decided to take the battle to the next level and do what our students have been doing since about May: voila- the mosquito net. Remembering to unzip it before attempting to get out of bed at night is a bit of an issue, but bites are definately down.
I finished writing my exam papers today, and emailed them off to the University.

The temperature climbed to over thirty, and the air looked thick enough to chew. The tower of the Park Metropolitan, not five minutes' walk up the road, threatened to haze into the chalky sky and get lost all together. Students have been streaming out of the campus all weekend, loaded down like ants with improbably bundles, going home for Dragon Boat festival.

This evening we decided to bar the door and turn on the air-con in the bedroom. We carried in the dining room table and the last half-bottle of port and the second-to-last bar of Green&Blacks' chocolate, turned up the volume on our album of Japanese Ska music, and had a game of Carcasonne.

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Our stylish university-issue furniture following our game. Winner has to clear up.
Me latelyMe lately
Me lately

Because I've had port and feel I'm pretty and generally worth it: this is me in Shanghai a couple of weeks ago. Gosh, isn't my hair long. Though Chris's gets all the attention. I think I forgot to smile in this one though.
Hello, worldHello, world
Hello, world

We are enjoying ourselves very much. But we're also looking forwards ever so much to coming home to you all.

12th June 2008

Nice to see you guys enjoying yourselves
Hey man its me Emanuel how you guys doing eh? :) Glad to see you've had a good year in Asia I'm up for meeting you again sometime in the future, whether in HK, China, the UK or Canada. (LOL) Email me again ok? XD Haha Emanuel Leung

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