USA; Life 2 Week 1.

Published: May 29th 2008
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USA; Life 2 Week 1.USA; Life 2 Week 1.USA; Life 2 Week 1.

X marks the spot of new pad on Bayshore between Long Beach and Naples Island.
21st May to 30th May 2008.
Almost five months to the day since I returned to a cold, grey and damp homeland after my two and a half week yuletide trip to the United States and I finally found myself all set to return. Those two and a half weeks were more than enough to convince me that the opportunity afforded me by my long time compadre Phil was simply too good an offer to refuse. I had long since realised that old blighty was a country on an escalating downward spiral and the lure of all year sunshine and reasonable cost of living allied to the the overall personal challenge that the move would provide were more than enough to leave me with next to no alternative. Within days of my return to the UK a written offer of employment had arrived in my inbox which I'd had no hesitation in accepting, a nerve jangling trip to the US Embassy in Grosvenor Square was successfully negotiated and the following three months spent waiting and preparing for the off.

The fortnight prior to departure was a strange time to say the least. My departure from the employ of Cheshire
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My (fingers crossed) new home. Top floor behind left hand tree.
County Council, my meal ticket for the previous twenty five years and three months culminated in an anti climaxial final few minutes in a sparsely populated office devoid of ticka tape fanfare’s, speeches or guards of honour, and a simple unaccompanied walk to my car much like any other day at the office was followed over the next two weeks by a series of farewell’s to family, friends and colleagues which inevitably saw more alcohol consumption and less sleep than would be recommended by any self respecting GP. Meals, drinks, home visits and a memorable final Monday soccer night which saw a record turn out and a tragic last kick penalty miss by yours truly courtesy of Adrian's elongated oranutang left arm (something I will take with me to the grave) came and went in a blur of social activity. I also spent long periods of solitary contemplation, not just of the future but of my life beforehand as I whiled away many hours, mostly in the still of the night in Room 1408 (my kitchen re-named by lodger Keith in tribute to the John Cusack movie of the same name) taking stock of what was happening in my life
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California dreaming. Singapore Sling on Nigel's balcony.
until finally there were no more goodbye's to be said. People's gratefully received encouragements and good wishes had erased any chances of last minute insecurities or doubts. I was set to roll.

At 5.30am on Wednesday 21st May having woken a bleary eyed Keith to bid him farewell I was collected by ma and pa for the short trip to Manchester Airport and as we pulled away I turned for one last look at number thirteen Dunkirk, home for the last fifteen years and perhaps somewhat surprisingly felt not the slightest tinge of regret.

The journey from Manchester to LAX via Dublin went without hitch aided by some good viewing, most notably the wonderfully refreshing performances of Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter in 'Sweeney Todd' and by the fact that I had two seats to myself for the duration of the journey and seventeen hours later I struggled out into the squint inducing California sun, my whole world crammed into two tightly packed suitcases. Extraordinarily, unlike Christmas when the process took over an hour from alighting the plane to collecting my bags took approximately eight minutes, the expected rigmarole of US immigration failing to materialise and so
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I tried to tell him at Xmas he was too old for this nonsense.
with my ride, Phil’s mate Dan not due for another hour I headed straight back into the departures terminal in time to catch the penalty shoot out of the Champions League Final. A small crowd had gathered around one of the bars and I let out a loud cheer of approval as John Terry ended up on his backside having fired the ball high and wide into the crowd. I felt no guillt taking pleasure from Terry’s tears as I remained to watch United lift the trophy but did so when I found Dan patiently searching for me outside arrivals and half an hour later I was comfortably ensconced on Phil’s settee looking over the familiar beach of Bayshore nursing a nice, frothy cold one.

Phil’s daredevil attitude to winter sports had effectively recently brought about his downfall. The previous Saturday he'd broken his leg fib and tib in a snowboard accident on Mammoth mountain and the outside of his right leg was now sporting a Hammer House of Horrors six inch gash held together by nine or ten metal staples, the inside five or six holes where steel pins had been inserted and which were sealed in a
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The first of the farewell's. In Room 1408 with Tim, Keith and Moose.
similar nature. It was still only five days since his accident and he was still in pain, a pain relieved only by his regular intake of medication which temporarily rendered him a spaced out picture of intoxicated tranquility.

My first morning stateside was, somewhat unexpectedly, a case of being thrown straight in at the deep end. Phil’s wife Lisa collected me for an eight thirty visit to the F & G offices where I spent the morning filling in various employment forms, ringing banks and generally trying to remain inconspicuous and later that afternoon I was collected by Rainer, one of three South African office intern’s who drove me to the local Social Security office to apply for my SS number, an essential requirement to do almost anything out here. When we returned he dropped me on Second Street where I took my first steps to adopting the Californian lifestyle by signing up for membership of the Belmont Athletic Club and Gymnasium.

When I eventually got back to Phil's he informed me that he had made me an appointment to view the recently vacated apartment directly above his for the following morning. This was excellent news. I was
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Works night out. A lovely crowd.
expecting to spend days trawling the neighbourhood for a suitable place to live but this place, albeit slightly on the pricey side was perfect. Close to Phil and twenty yards from the water’s edge in the desirable area of Belmont Shore I was keen to grab the opportunity with both hands and was waiting patiently on the stairwell at 9.30am the following morning when Realtor Tonya arrived to show me around. Not that I needed showing around as the flat was identical to Phil’s with the added bonus of a dish washer, air conditioning and fresh lick of paint but without furniture the one bed roomed place appeared huge. As for that matter did Tonya. Weighing in at around 220 pounds and caked in a thick layer of foundation that exposed a visible join between face and neck she led me around the place as visions of Phil lying prone in the room below, leg raised and covered in shards of plaster that were falling from the ceiling flashed into my mind.

I had the feeling my lack of Social Security number and bank account had instilled a modicum of doubt in Tonya’s mind as to my integrity. In
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With DJ Waymo and bouncers leaving my last ever Metal Pig after seven years.
light of a lack of the necessary paperwork (SS Number, bank account etc) I offered to pay the deposit and full six month rental in one foul swoop using Phil as my character reference but she seemed more interested in her fast approaching holiday weekend and we parted ways with me hopefully getting across my desire to have the place and her assuring me she had no other viewings planned.

Belmont Shore is one of Southern California’s more desirable areas and, despite the hefty $1550 monthly rent was a place I knew I would love to reside. At Christmas the two sets of field glasses that adorned Phil’s window cill had mistakenly led me to believe he had metamorphisised into a stateside Bill Oddie but later that morning their real purpose became apparent when two identical bronzed blonde ladies stripped to the briefest of bikini’s and stretched out on the sand outside his window! Not quite the bird watching I had envisaged at Christmas but a far more preferable sight to what I'd grown accustomed at Dunkirk, gazing out of the window to see yet another well struck volley thump hard into my motor’s front wing.

The first
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The clan after dinner at Telford's. Mum, sis Helen, neice Alex, auntie Jean, Pops, bro Jerry, neice Erin, Neice Faye, Neice Katharine, Uncle Dave and cousin Michael.
few days flew by aided by contact with loved ones back home courtesy of a nice, anonymous neighbour by the name of Peter who had very kindly, unbeknownst to him, provided me with a free wi-fi internet connection. Lunch at the office, a monthly get together reserved for celebrating that month’s staff birthdays where we all sat around the tables of a large conference room and gorged ourselves on take out Mexican food, dinner with man mountain Dan and his tiny Manchester girlfriend Lisa, his mother and aunt who were returning to the UK the following day and a Saturday afternoon visit to local supermarket Ralph’s to replenish Phil’s sparsely populated cupboards and fridge.

I soon discovered that a visit to the grocer's Stateside is an event in itself, the selection and variety of goods on offer shaming that of any of Britain's supermarket giants. Lisa and Olivia had collected us and driven us to the store and as we entered an employee greeted us smiling at the door before quickly disappearing with Phil’s crutches and returning moments later piloting an electric shopping trolley, the glow on his face suggesting it was the highlight of his day so far.
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Just after my final Birkenhead haircut. With DB and Helena.
Holding back the urge to feign injury and request one for myself I watched as Phil quickly acquainted himself with the simple operating instructions before taking off full throttle around the store plucking random objects from the neatly arranged food displays and hurling them into his basket whilst muttering in the style of Little Britain's Andy “I want that one” as he went. Priceless.

On Sunday afternoon Lisa drove us the twenty minutes or so south to Huntington Beach for a barbeque at Phil’s friend and colleague Nigel’s house. Huntington Beach is a seaside town where Phil is considering relocating to when Olivia, his eldest, switches to High School and Nigel, a quietly spoken ex pat from Middlesborough who lives in a wonderfully designed three storey, three bed home with his teen daughter proved the perfect host. His rent for this place with sea views amounts to just $2,500 per month and it made me realise exactly what could be leased around these parts for the combined $3,100 Phil and I are currently spending. One to think about for the future perhaps.

The remainder of my first week has been spent accustoming myself to my new way of
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Despite a great turn out and the first ever goalless draw I missed a last minute pen. Back L to R; Dribbler Dave (pass the thing), Taffy Gaz (just a full back), Asthma Rob, Hairy Dave, Hacker Kev, Blocker Craig, Red Mist Nick ('Calm down Nick'), Twinkle toes John (The biased referee), Ade Big Leggy, Clogger Trev, Mark and his mate. Front; Dave's lad Dave Jr, Scrum Half Chris (Jerry Lewis), Chameleon Frenchy (today is ginger), Matt the Pig, Pele, Adam and Ralph Coates.
life aided and abetted by Phil's more than helpful ways. By Wednesday I'd received a company mobile and, perhaps more importantly a car which he had recalled from one of the young intern's and after one week here I am astounded by just how easy the transformation appears to have been made. I feel settled and at home already. I was expecting a period of homesickness that so far just hasn’t materialised and am looking forward with a great deal of excitement to setting up my new home as soon as I receive the keys. Each and every 'best wishes' and words of encouragement I received prior to departure meant so much to me that it is hard to express my appreciation. I really have been blessed to have a wonderful set of friends and family.

They say the USA is the land of opportunity and after a week out here I can understand what they mean. There are so many things I plan to do; mastering photography and learning to ride a motor cycle but two of them but for now I have a few more days of liesure including a trip to see the mighty Iron Maiden
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Phil assures me smoothies are all the rage out here.
this weekend before the serious business begins. Remember, I have a job to do.

Additional photos below
Photos: 24, Displayed: 24


USA; Life 2 Week 1.USA; Life 2 Week 1.
USA; Life 2 Week 1.

Memorial Day holiday. Sebastian Sibi entertains the passers-by. He was good.
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USA; Life 2 Week 1.

Sebastian attracted attention of all ages.
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USA; Life 2 Week 1

'I want that one'. Phil opens the throttle and takes off taking Ralph's neatly arranged displays with him.
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USA; Life 2 Week 1.

Olivia, Andy and Lou.
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USA; Life 2 Week 1.

Big Dan with a little snack.
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USA; Life 2 Week 1.

F & G offices from the outside.
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USA; Life 2 Week 1.

And the deserted inside.
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USA; Life 2 Week 1.

Phil and nurse Lisa.
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USA; Life 2 Week 1.

Marisa helps prepare a nice salad.
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USA; Life 2 Week 1.

Lil Lisa, Olivia and big Dan.
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USA; Life 2 Week 1.

View from the window.
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USA; Life 2 Week 1.

An alternative view of flat location bottom right.

29th May 2008

I've got a sneaky feeling that we'll miss you way more than you'll miss us.It all looks fantastic - and not a Gordon Brown in sight!
30th May 2008

Master photography!? yeah right, whose gonna read the manual for you?
30th May 2008

DB and Waymo.
Yeah, thinkin about it you could both have a point !
30th May 2008

that save
30th May 2008

Matt you lucky thing... sounds like you're having the best time. Hope you have space for visitors! x
31st May 2008

Hi babe,thanx 4 text,really glad to know ur ok. Russ n I in a very hot Abu Dahbi,42' today, so will e-mail when we get back. Ask Herb if he wants me to fly over n take his clips out,would certainly beat doing the same thing at work in rainy Manchester. Take care,lol Hel xx
7th June 2008

How Many?
How many did you have on the transatlantic crossing? JT hit the post. Oh how I laughed. Let me know your e-mail.

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