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Europe » Sweden
May 25th 2008
Published: May 25th 2008
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On way to BelfastOn way to BelfastOn way to Belfast

Cutting turf or peat moss from the ground and dried for burning in fireplaces. Common across Belfast/Northern Belfast
Wow, what a difference Fra and Jo have made to their home, both inside and out. The conservatory at the side had been dismantled, an extension built on to the existing building complete with a new upstairs master bedroom and ensuite, and then the conservatory re-built. A new garage shed area has been built outside with extensive revamping of the garden. All this has been done since 2000.

May 16th. We enjoyed the day just catching up on washing, and resting, then a great meal of Chinese with the McElkerney family at night.

May 17thand 18th. We enjoyed the day with Joanne and the kids at The Ulster Folk Museum, in Belfast, on Saturday, and Sunday we had a walk to visit Brian and Mary, some people I (Wendy) met when last in Belfast. Brian showed us all the additions they have done to their Church since my last visit. They certainly are busy people. Francis unfortunately had to work over the weekend, so he missed out on Brian’s wit!!

May 19th We organized ourselves to leave for Sweden today, the flight leaving Belfast at 12:55pm and to arrive in Heathrow at 1:30pm. However the flight left Belfast

Jo and Fra McEnerney with their children Ryan and Tara
quite late (about 30min) and this put us behind with our connecting flight to Stockholm. Then of course we got held up at security, at terminal 5, which is the new terminal in Heathrow, and a long way from all the other terminals!! Our hold up was due to an Asthma puffer causing some concern for the person behind the screen. All was well eventually, so we ran to our gate, and found all was ok…This flight is 2½ hours, so we will sit back and enjoy a rest for now.

Barbro met us at the Stockholm airport to drive us back to her home. The plane arrived late and by the time we got through immigration and collected our luggage it was about 8:45pm and Barbro had been waiting since 8:00pm so she was starting to get worried. It was a 1¼ hour trip by car. We didn’t realize this, and we were extremely grateful to Barbro for collecting us. On arrival at Barbro and Goran’s home, we met another couple from Australia, Judy and Peter Pratt, from Camberwell Rotary Club, and of course Goran as well. We had some lovely refreshments and off to bed, as it

Jo and Fra’s house
was quite late by this time. Three couples from my (Wendy’s) Rotary Club district #9800 just happened, by coincidence, to be in Hallstahammar at exactly the same time as us on a friendship exchange which meant that we were able to join in on their activities.

May 20th. Our hosts had a beautiful breakfast ready for us, so we enjoyed that and fellowship with everyone. We then met the other Rotary members, two from Camberwell also, and the other two from Altona. We all went for a short walk along the canal (called Stromsholm’s Kanal) in front of Barbro and Goran’s home to visit an old foundry and forge that was powered by water from the canal (spelt Kanal in Swedish). It was built in the 1600’s and stopped working in the early 1900’s. One of the reasons for the canal to be built was for the pig iron to be brought to the foundry by boat. Heating for the furnace was provided by charcoal created on site by burning the nearby timber which was also transported by the canal. The steel that was created was transported along the canal to the city at the river/canal mouth for shipping
Hallstahammar near Stockholm in SwedenHallstahammar near Stockholm in SwedenHallstahammar near Stockholm in Sweden

Our bedroom in Barbro and Goran’s home
to England. We visited a museum nearby then had lunch at a the Kanal Café before going to the workshop that supports the canal and to hear about its heritage. Where there was a working display to show how the “Locks” work for the canal. It started to rain when out walking that afternoon to have a look at a three stage lock, and became quite cold. It was a three stage lock because of the big drop from the canal to the river. That evening we had dinner at a farm/restaurant, a little way out of the town. Before dinner the owner gave us some history of how the restaurant began, and then also gave us an opportunity to shoot some clay pigeons, as this is something they also offer to their guests, if they wish, just for a bit of fun. Rob and Goran both hit a clay bird and the rest of us missed completely!! It was fun to have a go… Dinner was in their own dining room this time where we drank plenty of schnapps, and it was delightful.

May 21st. We left after breakfast for a visit to the Stromsholm Castle. It was
Hallstahammar near Stockholm in SwedenHallstahammar near Stockholm in SwedenHallstahammar near Stockholm in Sweden

The old forge near Barbro and Goran’s home on the canal
built in the 1600’s for the King’s widow. This is now only used as a museum or it can be hired out for special occasions, but they still have Icelander horse jumping and equestrian events there in the grounds. Icelander horses are small, strong horses imported from Iceland. When the horses come to Sweden, they are not allowed to return to their own country. We then visited Goran’s Rotary club (Kolback) for a meeting, where we were presented with a banner from 2 clubs,(Hallstahammar and Kolback) and then asked to talk a little about our own club. The meal was served first, and then a brief meeting was held. It was very nice, every one was so friendly, and tried to speak to us in English, and as we are unable to speak Swedish, we were very grateful to them.

After lunch we went back to see the equestrian riding school. To see how the students are trained in the art of riding, caring for their horses, and also attending their other school lessons as well. It is amazing just how big this place is. Huge!! After a break we then attended the Stromsholms animal hospital on the same
Hallstahammar near Stockholm in SwedenHallstahammar near Stockholm in SwedenHallstahammar near Stockholm in Sweden

The wood is made to smoulder to make charcoal
grounds, and were stunned to see just how high tech this place is. They are open 24/7, and have some fantastic equipment and do some brilliant work with all types of animals, as well of course, as the horses. People bring their animals here not only from the local district but across Sweden and beyond. Their equipment even includes an MRI machine.
Dinner was at home with Barbro and Goran at night, a really lovely meal: a prawn entrée, then roast pork, with tiny roast vegies, and home grown blue berry meringue pie, all home made by Barbro. The berries grow wild in the garden. Barbro is a wiz in the kitchen…

May 22nd.We visited a lovely nursery this morning, and we were able to purchase an orchard for Barbro and Goran, to thanks them for having us for the past few days.
Barbro and Wendy then went home, (Wendy to rest and give some help to Barbro) Barbro did all the work in preparation for 16 people for dinner that night. We had roast marinated Moose, mashed potato with a delicate wild mushroom and cream on top, green salad, as well as an entrée of fish soufflé and
Hallstahammar near Stockholm in SwedenHallstahammar near Stockholm in SwedenHallstahammar near Stockholm in Sweden

And old furnace at the forge
home made chocolate cake/pudding for desert. (The Moose was certainly different for us Aussies but nice!!)

In the afternoon Rob went with the rest of the group to one of the host Rotarian’s farm (her name is Anna-Lena). She introduced them to Malin, a very enterprising young neighbour. Malin, together with her husband, is not only raising two children, one with CerebalPalsy, but is breeding pointer dogs ( think there are six or eight bitches) but she has created a B&B or farm stay out of a barn that can sleep eight people. She also breeds sheep for their skins and imports wellies and gumboots that she then sells over the internet.

On Anna-Lena’s farm we saw deer that Anna-Lena breeds specifically for the hunter. During the hunting season, hunters are allowed on her property under supervision to shoot deer. They are only allowed to shoot the deer from special towers in the compound. The compound is many hectares and must, by law contain both grassland and forest area. The hunter can choose to either keep the deer they shoot for eating, keep the antlers for a trophy or neither. It they are not taking the meat for
Hallstahammar near Stockholm in SwedenHallstahammar near Stockholm in SwedenHallstahammar near Stockholm in Sweden

Air pumps for the furnaces
themselves then Anna-Lena sells the meat to the butcher.

Anna-Lena’s daughter also lives on the farm with her family. She is also enterprising by starting to develop a portion of the farm for therapy for children with disabilities. She is a trained therapist.

Additional photos below
Photos: 36, Displayed: 27


Hallstahammar near Stockholm in SwedenHallstahammar near Stockholm in Sweden
Hallstahammar near Stockholm in Sweden

Bricks made from the left over slag
Hallstahammar near Stockholm in SwedenHallstahammar near Stockholm in Sweden
Hallstahammar near Stockholm in Sweden

The beautiful river near Barbro and Goran’s house
Hallstahammar near Stockholm in SwedenHallstahammar near Stockholm in Sweden
Hallstahammar near Stockholm in Sweden

Barbro and Goran’s home
Hallstahammar near Stockholm in SwedenHallstahammar near Stockholm in Sweden
Hallstahammar near Stockholm in Sweden

Steam towing boat and barge that used to be used on the canal
Hallstahammar near Stockholm in SwedenHallstahammar near Stockholm in Sweden
Hallstahammar near Stockholm in Sweden

A three stage lock on the canal not far from Barbo and Goran’s home
Hallstahammar near Stockholm in SwedenHallstahammar near Stockholm in Sweden
Hallstahammar near Stockholm in Sweden

Wendy shooting clay pigeons – she missed
Hallstahammar near Stockholm in SwedenHallstahammar near Stockholm in Sweden
Hallstahammar near Stockholm in Sweden

Rob shooting clay pigeons – a hit
Hallstahammar near Stockholm in SwedenHallstahammar near Stockholm in Sweden
Hallstahammar near Stockholm in Sweden

A typical fireplace in an old Swedish home – slow combustion
Hallstahammar near Stockholm in SwedenHallstahammar near Stockholm in Sweden
Hallstahammar near Stockholm in Sweden

Our Swedish friends – Goran and Barbro
Hallstahammar near Stockholm in SwedenHallstahammar near Stockholm in Sweden
Hallstahammar near Stockholm in Sweden

Having dinner with the Rotary group in Goran and Barbro’s home
Hallstahammar near Stockholm in SwedenHallstahammar near Stockholm in Sweden
Hallstahammar near Stockholm in Sweden

Typical fields along the road near Hallstahammar
Stromsholm CastleStromsholm Castle
Stromsholm Castle

Icelander horse jumping arena

27th May 2008

Barbro and Goran's place certainly looks great (as I had expected) - especially that shot from their front garden ! "My God Almighty!" my mother would say.

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