Our final curtain

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November 19th 2005
Published: November 19th 2005
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Well, it's 7.20am in New York and I've been up since 5am. Emma's somehow managing to sleep but I think my body has already switched back onto GMT.

Today is the last day of our world tour and the end of 10 months on the road. We've completed thousands of miles journeying and had more experiences than it's humanly possible to take in. We've visited 8 countries (China, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, New Zealand, Australia, Fiji and the United States) whilst travelling across (in some cases literally) 3 continents. We've seen the most amazing natural wonders and met some incredible wildlife as well as scaring ourselves silly doing scary things and partying in the coolest places on the planet. We've met hundreds of people (including a fair clutch of famous ones!) and made some great new friends from all over the world.

Thank you for reading. We hope you've enjoyed it. One of the hardest adjustments to make is going to be to stop publishing our daily lives every few days! At least we won't miss paying for internet time!

Thank you also for all your comments, words of encouragement and snippets of news from back home. We've missed some big events in the lives of our friends and family but we hope you'll see it's been worth it!

There are still a few pictures to be posted once we're back home so please have a look again in a few days. Today, we're going to pack, throw away worn out clothes and equipment, wander around Chelsea (see the famous Flat Iron building), eat Subway and take the supershuttle to the airport this evening. We should be back in blighty by Sunday morning.

We hope it's nice and warm back in England. If we remember correctly it should be just like Thailand...

So, here we take, our final curtain.

Sob...but wahey!
Tim and Emma.


21st November 2005

Hi there! I've kept up with your blogs and would actually be waiting for the next one! It sounds like you had a fantastic time. Good on yah! I hope you'll fill us in on how you're doing once you get home. You know, we've gotten to know you. I travelled right through my 20's. When I'd get back home, it would last for only about 2 months and away I'd go again. Been all over the world and still get itchy feet. Six continents and I'm thinking about where to go next! It won't be Antarctica though. No desire to see ice and snow. Got that at home! All the best in the future to the both of you.
23rd November 2005

Thanks !
A great big thank you for sharing your travel adventures with all of us strangers. It's been a wonderful read. Good luck in the future to you both.
23rd December 2005

I'm home too now!
Hello guys! Thanks for keeping such a comprehensive blog of our tour across the U.S together - you put in loads of details about the route we took/states we went through that I didn't take in at all along the way so it'll be a great help in putting together my album (mammouth task...don't know where to start...you must have it worse than me!)When I get a chance I'll read your whole site...it'll just give me itchy feet again though! I'll be up North to visit you both very soon! You are always welcome in Wales too if you are ever passing by! Merry Christmas!! Love Elerixxx

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