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April 12th 2008
Published: April 12th 2008
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En route to FlorenceEn route to FlorenceEn route to Florence

Trying hard to forget about this morning's driving experience.
Getting here to Florence was the big adventure today. I have discovered that driving somewhere is pretty easy as long as I follow the signs; however, finding my way back to the starting point is the real issue. For the life of me I could not find the car rental place. At each turn I second guessed myself, finding myself turned around every which way. At one point I was driving on a roundabout that even now I am not sure whether was a road or sidewalk. No one yelled at me, nor did I hit anyone, so I am guessing it was ok. If I wasn't so frazzled at the time it probably would have been funny in the way that the Three Stooges were funny. I did make my way to where I wanted to be, no thanks to the fact that I haven't found a decent map in Italy yet.

The train died part way to Florence, so we sat and waited. Again, more second guessing myself. Finally we had to change trains. From there on it was a piece of cake. Into a taxi and into the beautiful hotel. Man, is the place the most elegant
New leather jacketNew leather jacketNew leather jacket

I know this isn't the best picture, but it does show the jacket better than some of the others.
hotel so far. I went out for some gelato and somehow mustered the strength to shop at the leather store across the street. I found the most wonderful brushed leather coat. It is very European, with a tight waist, and zipper that zips on the other side. Of course I had to have it. Not sure how well you can see it in the pictures, but it is a pretty happening coat, and it cost much less than my mortgage so I felt good about it.

On that note, I went out for dinner and had one of the best meals yet. I started with chicken liver pate Florentine, which was warm pate on croutons. Very nice. They didn't sieve the pate to smoothness, so it had some texture to it, but in a good way. After that I had a filet with Tuscan bacon, a couple white beans and a side order or sadly oversteamed asparagus. The filet had so much flavor that I couldn't believe it. I also had a small bottle of red wine to wash it all down. Was truly an amazing meal.

Hope things are well with each of you. Until next time,
Filet with Tuscan BaconFilet with Tuscan BaconFilet with Tuscan Bacon

This is the dinner in Florence that I was writing about. So darn yummy!!!



12th April 2008

What a day for a day dream!!!
I just wanted to let you know how happy I am for you!!! I can't say it enough, such a great feeling to have a concept and manifest this great and beautiful thing. You will forever love yourself for this moment you have shared with the world, and us, your friends who love you!!! Infinity, ^A^
13th April 2008

So glad you found a leather jacket in Florence! Now you can just say nonchalantly"This old thing? I got it in Italy " when people ask in Portland... So jealous of all the good food and wine!
13th April 2008

LOVE the coat!
I am very happy that you found something you like while it not interferring with your mortgage payments!!!! Even from here, the asparagus does look a tad overdone.... :( Please know I so look forward to your comments and pictures each day. Thanks for taking us along in your suitcase. Love and miss you!!!!!

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