dash for deli - the backwaters

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April 1st 2008
Published: April 1st 2008
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i have found out why i cant upload my photo's the images are two big so i need to make them smaller, to do this you need either an IT degree or some common sense, unfortunatley i have neither, i have tried face book, this takes ages. im going to either do an IT degree or see if one of the group has some common sense.

Next we went on an overnight by local boat through the backwaters. i dont know how to describe this boat it was like a massive floating wiker thing, with three bedrooms and a large, sitting, eating, drinking, smoking place at the front which was covered but open at the same time. i know that this has not helped to build a picture, and i would add a photo, but see above. the boat was really nice.

the backwaters are a massive expanse of water where frash water and salt water mix, you go through riverways then out to open acres and water and then on the more rivers. it was truly beautiful, but there was not much to do other than to drink rum and coke, luckily we had stocked up.

steve, the group leader, and i decided to go for a swim and conquer a small island, about 5m by 5m with two palm trees on it, really did look like a cartoon picture of a desert ireland. we were successful and i have pictures to prove it. later the locals told us the island was called something like, dont go there it is dangerous and has snakes island. long name for a small island i thought.

after our succesful conquest, the head waiter and the cook, wanted us to play games, disappointed that we did not have any they brought out their own. they brought out a carboard box which they put on the floor, the aim of the game was to bend over and pick it up with your teeth. if succesful they removed and inch or so, and then this was repeated until they was just a flat peice of carboard. the waiter and the cook were very good at this game. i was rubbish. the girls were good.

later we had a clash of culture. the three staff wanted to go to bed and were planning to sleep and the deck where we were stil up partying. me and the two guys i was sharing with told them to take our room and that we would sleep on the deck. the ever hospitable indians did not want to to this as they did not want to take our beds. so they went to sleep under the table on the deck. the cook would not sleep under the table the the girls in the same area, he thought they should go to bed. he also came out with some typical indian male stuff women should be mothers and not be up late. the girls took offense at this. its a difficulty one. do i agree with him? no. do i understnd that he has values? yes. i tried to mediate, as the girls we not helping, we are western girls and we have paid for this boat (and you). i explained to the girls that if he is not married he will never have slept in a room with a woman, and if he was married his wife would kill him. however alcohol and anger had given way to reason, i went to bed leaving the girls to their who could stay awake the longest cometition. the cook won, as i heard the girls slopping of the bed.


2nd April 2008

Nathan I just found your blob and have really enjoyed reading about your experiences in India thus far. About 6 years ago my husband and I spent one year traveling around the country. We spent 2 months in Chennai then headed to Kerela for 1 month. I was just wondering where you are in Kerela? I must recommed Allapaluza!! Absolutely wonderful little town, the people welcomed us into their homes. If interested we are still in contact with a couple families. Where are you heading next and how long are you planning to stay. GOA is a must! ENJOY THE RIDE! INDIA IS an absolutely amazing place that your stories no one will believe or understand! All the Best, and have a Kind Fisher for me! Amy

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