In Japan, they have food theme parks!

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April 1st 2008
Published: April 10th 2008
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Sunshine CitySunshine CitySunshine City

(not my own)

And Ice Cream City is My First Stop!

NOTICE: If I manage to recover my lost data, then perhaps you'll be able to some pics of this event later.

Indeed, food theme parks do exist. Japan has ones devoted to all sort of traditional foods. But I had the privilege of going to the ice cream of the crop ( get it!? get it!?) My friend Mio and I went to Sunshine city in Ikebukoro. Its a big building filled with stores, exhibits, and other fun things to do/look at; surrounded by huge arcades.

On one of the floors was Namja city, our destination. I don't really know how to explain this place to you, it didn't really make any sense. It was like a chucky-cheese,museum, haunted house, and a mini-mall put together. I couldn't really do much, since it was all in Japanese. But thats fine, my aim was Ice cream City.

The decor was like something out of Dr. Seuss. Differently styled ice cream parlors lined the walls all around. I had myself a chocolate banana crepe, and delicious it was. Mio had herself some pumpkin ice cream crepe.....I can't remember if I liked it or not..probably did.

Then came the interesting part. In the back, there were many coolers full of all sorts of funky icecreams. I can't tell you the good ones, I only asked Mio to show the crazy ones. They had flavors that wouldn't be in your wildest of dreams. They had Garlic Ice cream, Octo Ice cream, Snake Ice cream (yes it had real snake bits in it), you name it. Mio and I tried our luck with Chicken Ice cream and Cow Tongue Ice cream complete with little, rubbery tongue bits. And it certainly stayed true to the taste. Only problem was that that taste doesn't belong in icecream. It was repulsive! Its a shame you had to buy a whole cup of ice cream each time for like $4, other wise I would have tried others.

After that whole deal, we headed to the top of Sunshine City, which was something like 68 floors. The elevator was awesome by the way. It was lit up like the cosmos with all the zodiac constellations in bright display. Once at the top, we had a couple of drinks and watched beautifully illuminated Tokyo from a nice red comfy couch. A good day it certainly was.


10th April 2008

I just stumbled across your blog - I`m so glad I read about this - I`m going to hightail it to Sunshine city this weekend!! Thanks for the tip!

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