Periyar Wildlife.. Amazing Traveler Friends.. Ayurvedic Heaven

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February 23rd 2008
Published: February 23rd 2008
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Last night I took a nature walk through the forest from 7pm-10pm. It was a good way to pass time and exercise since I really haven't done much. I was hoping I'd lose some weight, but so far, I dont think I have. Or maybe I dont notice it. The food has been treating me right, so no diarrhea, vomiting, etc.. *knock on wood*. The walk was quite dark, a bit boring.. but we did spot a group of deers, Sambas? A flying squirrel.. heard monkeys.. spiders, saw 4 birds in a tree bundled up sleeping.. In the background was chanting from the Hindu Temple.. and fireworks or some explosion.. a bit scary.

Got back to the room around 10:30.. the feel of shower and cleansiness is more delightful than ever.. unfortunately it wasn't as pleasant as the shower back at my apt with the strong pressure.. This one had a shower head but only had cold water that came out.. so i had to use the traditional indian way of showering.. BLAH!!! but bareable.. A huge bucket you fill with water.. and a smaller bucket you have to pour on yourself. Oh how I can just imagine all of you laughing your head off imagining me frustrated and trying to do it, while cursing at it. Well it wasn't so bad, although I would prefer my own shower at home and a bath after.

I've been sleeping with at least one light on and tv on.. it makes me feel more safe.


Woke up at 6 am this morning by the call of roosters.. not too shabby! I would MUCH prefer that sound over my alarm or phone calls at 7 am for title questions. JUST KIDDING, keep them coming!!!

by 6:30 i was out of bed, perfect breezy weather outside.. This town of Thekkady is quite small. Its pretty much just for tourist, making a large sum of money from the Wildlife ordeal.. They have packages like Jungle cruise to spot tigers, elephants, wild boars and more.. Night jungle walks.. Bamboo boat / hike day (which I did today).. hikes.. etc. No one in this town seems to suffer from poverty.. and us travelers are glad it's that way 😊

This street im staying at is made of people's homes which they've rennovated with added guesthouses for homestay/hostel type places.. Im staying at Tranquilou Home Stay.. its an added up stairs area with about 5 rooms that people stay in, I have quite a large room and VERY CLEAN.. besides the bucket showers, Im very content.

The owner of the house made me Black tea this morning.. he added sugar so I didn't enjoy it as much but appreciated nontheless.. by 7:45 we were in front of the gate of Wildlife Sanctuary.. I took the full day 8-5 forest walk with the most interesting group of travelers I've ever met.. and 4 indian tour guides.

We started by hiking about 2 hours.. then had a little breakfast (2 loafs of white bread, some florescent pink fruity jam, small bananas, butter crackers).. then we took a 3 hour raft on a flat bamboo boat.. incredibly peaceful.. out in nature.. we spotted 2 adult elephants and 1 baby elephants.. I didn't think about wildlife when visiting India but Im glad I did it.. great way to get away from the traffic and chaos..

The people that were with me in this group.. WERE AMAZING. I will never forget all of them:

-2 Tall pretty 27 year old french girls who have been traveling for 3 weeks in India. but will be traveling a total of 9 months.. to thailand.. then vietnam.. then Australia.. Very witty, smart and fun.

-2 23 year old guys from Canada.. 1 is an English teacher in South Korea.. the other a graphic designer in Canada.. Lived up to Canadian standards.. friendly, peaceful, polite and brilliant.

-an indian couple from Bangalore who was just visiting for the weekend.. they do many weekend trips throughout india. The guy works as an IT person.. the lady a sales person for Yahoo. Very very educated and conversational...

-a young guy from Kenya.. who is now a professional Yoga instructor there.. Very proud of his country.. VERY educated about his African heritage, African Politics as well as international news.. and his girlfriend who is a 27 year old American born Ohio native... worked in Kenya for the past 2 years doing paperwork for a nonprofit org, forget the name, that relocates refugees to America. She says theres 3 ways of dealing with refugees.. 1) Best is to relocate them to their original tribe... 2) to relocate them to the village they fled to.. 3) last resort, to reloate them to another country.. While it may seem the best to our standards to relocate them to another country.. think of their family, and having no choice but to relocate..

-a very good looking, quiet young couple from Spain.. who are finishing med school..

Now kids, theres a lesson right there in itself for all of you to travel more.. You meet soooooooooooooooo many more interesting people than your own comfort zone. Every single one of these people I met were incredibly well educated, well read, well traveled, open minded although from all walks of life.. and so impressive.

It's not just about education, although I value it 100% and believe it should be a life long process rather than something that goes to a halt after college, grad school, whichever your choice was.. dedicate that hour leisure time at the end of the day to read about the world. TV, CNN is not gonna do it. I barely watch tv anymore because 70% of TV is focused on nonsense celebrity gossip, 20% of news is skewed.. the other 10%??? More nonsense.

We had great conversations in our breakfast time, lunch time.. on the boat.. and our picnic time just laying, bathing in the sun, all getting sunburnt and competing who was most burnt and most red (of course the red-neck whities!)

Once you travel, you think of the next place you want to go, and next place, and never want to stop... I know I'm being greedy as I've only just begun my India travels.. however, I'm thinking my next big trip is Greece.. Im fascinated by their culture, food, MEN, beauty and all... I wish to spend more time in Switzerland (i've been once but for only 3 days or so and remember it being absolutely serene and thee most gorgeous stunning country..).. Africa for safari journeys.. the Outback... JAPAN!!! and moreeeee.

After you have learned your lesson of working so hard, perhaps next time I will have some friends to join! Although Im having a blast myself, im going at my own pace, doing whatever I want, I wouldn't mind some Californian company!


After the hike.. I went for an Ayurvedic massage at 5:30. Ayurvedic is EXTREMELY POPULAR and im sure many of you have heard of it. Its a type of oil, massage, treatment for health.. It was HANDS DOWN THE BEST MASSAGE OF MY LIFE. Even better than Kenneths if you can imagine! I cant explain but it was an hour full body massage.. at Mayura Ayurvedic Clinic in Thekkady if any of you are gonna fly here instantly for it.. 600 rupees which is like 16$.. after the massage I sat in this steam box for 15 minutes that exuberated Coconut hot steam....



Going to grab my chargers now, meet the canadians and Frenchies for some food, some beers and more intellectual talks that I rarely get in LA. (my first drink!)

Ta ta.


23rd February 2008

It all sounds amazing!! I am so glad! I feel at peace just reading your blog! And I agree the best way to branch out while, at the same time, learning more about yourself is to travel! Greece!! Lets go in June/July! I agree Switzerland is nice and peaceful..afterall they are neutral lol jk ok that was lame=) Of course I think Japan is great but that is definitely a separate trip from Europe lol=) And I think I told you but my cousins went on an African Safari a year or two ago and said hands down was the BEST trip ever!!! They are VERY well traveled so that is saying a lot! Well I am very happy to hear that things seem to be getting better by the hour and that you are starting to have that peaceful journey that you hoped for! I was sick and depressed yesterday and was really wishing I was there with you;) Then the sweetest thing..Fareda and Sherry surprised me and showed up at my door!! It was so nice, I felt so loved lol!! But anyway it is very lonely in this big town without you lol (I sound like your lesbian lover lol)!! I cant wait till your back!! Hopefully with new insights to who you are and what you want in life=) But until then keep having an amazing time and be safe! Love you! <3

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