ohhhh shiny things!

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Europe » France » Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur » Nice
January 11th 2008
Published: January 11th 2008
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ok so the last two days have been very very busy! by the way, i freakin love this hostel! i know i said that before, but whatever. yesterday we walked down to the beach... wow seriously ya'll.. the mediterranean sea is BEAUTIFUL! even though the wheather was bad you could see how blue the water was. i'd LOVE to come here in the summer and spend days and days on the beach. well we found a park on the top of a cliff and had to climb many many stairs to get there. haha i'm going to be in such great shape when i leave europe! there were some old ruins and a really cool cemetery. anyway... that was pretty much all we did yesterday. oh i almost forgot! we went down to the fruit and flower market too. the air was rich with the smell of fragrant flowers and haha of course the occasional fish! there's so much sea food here! the fruit and veggies look and taste so great! we stopped in at a little restaurant and i had the vin rouge and salade mozzarella... kinda of like the mozzarella caprese at buca for those of you who know what i'm refering to. very tasty and fresh! i definitely like the cuisine here better than in spain.

oh and the people... the people are so kind! even their faces seem so proud and sweet. i don't know why people say the french are rude because they've been so kind!

today i reserved a hostel in paris and got my train ticket for tomorrow. I'm going to paris TOMORROW!!!!!! i'm so excited!!! well anyway today we went to eze village... this really cool, really old village on the top of this mountain. i don't know really how to explain it! look it up online if you can... otherwise i took a ton of pictures so i'll be sure and show all ya'll! haha. after eze we took a bus to monaco... WOW. i nick named it the shiny city! haha lots of rich people, fancy cars, huge yachts.... and everything is expensive! megan, if you're lookin for a rich guy you seriously need to come here! oh yeah and the guys are REALLY good looking of course. do i have to say much more? we spent FOREVER looking for a place to eat because everywhere was so expensive... so finally we found this tiny little cafe that had pizza and salads and lots of alcohol! yay! the guy who owned it was so sweet! he actually sat and talked with us for a long time even though he didn't know english and we didn't know french haha! he knew a few words here and there and actually i was able to understand a lot of what he was saying in french! hooray! so i actually done learned somethin in college! anyway... that was and all around pleasant experience. after that we stopped by the monte carlo casino.. apparently the most famous casino in the world! it was soooooo pretty! i'll show you pics. 😊 got some gelato then came back by train to the hostel. i'm sooooo tired! well i'll write more from paris! au revoir!!!


13th January 2008

mmm france...
love you girl! I better see a TON of pictures from Paris!!!! :)

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