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December 29th 2007
Published: December 29th 2007
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AM in total panic mode; too much in my bag, still trying to pack up house for house-sitters, and leave all my admin sorted. just had my neighbour translate my German info for Trans-siberian rail trip (and entering Russia) and scared I will get something wrong, or point camera at something not allowed....or my visa will be dated incorrectly (I have more days booked in Russia on my visa than I am actually planning to stay) etc. they are so tight and strict.
but of course I will get it together eventually. I'm looking forward to meeting up again with Gaby, my German 5W friend, met via the NZ tour we both booked on (and the start of all this mad adventure), in Berlin, when I arrive on New years day; and then the plan is to fly to Moscow, and then transfer directly to the station, for the train.
Haven't got any Rubles, so hope I can find some place or ATM to buy some before the train. Will need to send Jack out for more toilet paper, we've used up so much blowing our noses over the midwinter break, I don't have enough left to take with me.
in haste, and prob. the last entry before Beijing...........here we go................!
happy new year to you all, thanks for the kind messages from all over, love M x


29th December 2007

Bon Vogage
Hey ho...greetings and well wishes to you in these last few days. It will all fall beautifully into place i'm sure, your travel angels have got it all in hand! I know these last few days are mad, I have it before I go to india, but then you'll get on that train/flight and...ah... Have a truely fantastical trip... Love Sarah
30th December 2007

Bon Voyage
Bon Voyage, have a great journey.....
1st January 2008

Happy New Year
What an inspiration you are.... am thinking of you in the train rolling across Europe on your way to a wonderful year. Go well and I'll be following in spirit. Lots love Fran
3rd January 2008

Wishing you happy travels and wild experience. Thinking of you. Love Sharon x

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