No room for us!

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Asia » Hong Kong » Kowloon
October 13th 2007
Published: October 17th 2007
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Shenzhen to Hong Kong

Homeless in Hong Kong!!!! Homeless in Hong Kong!!!! Homeless in Hong Kong!!!!

Now we have to search for a bed for the night!!!

Finally arrived on Hong kong Island at 2.30pm.....

We'd booked to stay the night in the Wang Fat Hostel.

A fellow traveller noticed us looking harassed and lost.
He told us that if we were looking for Wang Fat hostel,
that it is now known as the Hong Kong Hostel and pointed us in the right direction.
He also informed us that they were fully booked, as he had just tried to book in.

When we finally got there it was mayhem, bags and people everywhere.
Confidently, we handed over our confirmation, only to be told, "NO ROOM"!!!!

No explanation - Nothing.

That was it - Final straw and all that....
The shit hit the fan!

"We'd paid a deposit"!!!
"You had my telephone number - Why didn't you ring"?
"What are we supposed to do now?"

They didn't care and literally threw back the deposit.

We decided to go in search of another hostel.

But where do we start......

Then I remembered a hostel I'd looked at and discounted,
because of a review saying "there
Home sweet homeHome sweet homeHome sweet home

En suite with air con too, what more could we ask for.......
were whores and pimps using the lift at night"!
This was the Garden Hostel and located in Kowloon.

Let's go there......

Arrived there, only to bump into the guy we saw earlier.
He'd been to loads of different hostels and had finally got a room here.
He told us that there was a major conference going on and that all the hostels were booked solid with business men.
Said it's because the hotels were so expensive.

With fingers crossed we asked for a room.....

Yes - One double, en-suite left.
How lucky was that!!!!

We were shown our room....

It looked a bit like a gents toilet with all the tiling up the walls.
But it was clean, had a shower that worked and it was only for one night.

Didn't bother to unpack, freshened up a bit and hit the sights.....

After a late night and good sleep, we gathered our stuff together and left it in reception.
Then headed off for more sight seeing and to book our ferry to Macau for later that day.

Additional photos below
Photos: 28, Displayed: 23


Looks like a toilet to me!Looks like a toilet to me!
Looks like a toilet to me!

Glad it doesn't smell like one....
OK! How does this work?OK! How does this work?
OK! How does this work?

What do you mean you have to shower, whilst on the loo.....
This is our viewThis is our view
This is our view

Seems a quiet street. You should see how busy the street in front is!!!
Spaghetti Junction...Spaghetti Junction...
Spaghetti Junction...

Scary stuff, someone get an electrician!!!

Neat stuff to play with....
Oh, go on!!! Oh, go on!!!
Oh, go on!!!

Let me play too....
Always wanted to be a dragon!!Always wanted to be a dragon!!
Always wanted to be a dragon!!

Tracey thinks she is already!!!

I'm stuck..
Fire ExitFire Exit
Fire Exit

Beats using the lift that's always full, but not of whores and pimps....
Getting tickets for MacauGetting tickets for Macau
Getting tickets for Macau

Chinese people don't know how to queue, always pushing in!!!
What do you want me to do?What do you want me to do?
What do you want me to do?

There's no way I'm going to climb up there to play it!!

Don't look behind you!
OK! I need a new bag...OK! I need a new bag...
OK! I need a new bag...

Is that one big enough?
What spots?What spots?
What spots?

There's no spots on my balls!!!
Another friend for SkimAnother friend for Skim
Another friend for Skim

Don't know where she finds them!!
Kowloon HarbourKowloon Harbour
Kowloon Harbour

Me with boats...

Without me!
Avenue of StarsAvenue of Stars
Avenue of Stars

In Kowloon harbour.
Another Johnny moment.Another Johnny moment.
Another Johnny moment.

Just love a firm butt....

17th October 2007

How very Biblical!
No room at the inn, eh?? The hostel looks lovely! So what have people got against pimps and whores, then? [blank look, must get out more. Or not.] We're about to have a frost tonight, so you're in the right place at the mo. It all looks terribly clean... is that right? And how are you doing for travel spinach?? Don't use your left hand for chopsticks: I did when I was there 100 years ago, and was corrected during a meal several times, by the old lady serving the food - it meant I was a whore! [for those reading this, NO I WAS N O T.... never had to pay for it in me life...] Now, ahem, [waits for face to stop glowing] don't drink the water, don't eat the food, and keep yer hands on yer wallets! Oh, and it bucketed down yesterday, so you deffo ARE in the right place! Cheers and greetings from all at Oxfam, Jane
17th October 2007

Looks familiar
Ron you standing by Kowloon harbour reminds us of us standing there 11years ago, We stayed in Kowloon too but in a Hotel. had Jet lag so didn't see a lot we were only there for 24hrs
18th October 2007

To all at Oxfam
Hope we are keeping you all amused with our antics and are not missing me too much. Pleased to hear from you again Jane, thought you'd gone on one of your many cruises and decided not to come back! And yes the place was clean, only saw one tiny cockroach and an empty Guiness bottle!!
18th October 2007

Looks Familiar
Glad we brought back a few memories for you. We managed 25 hours, but weren't jet lagged. So once we found somewhere else to stay, we were able to enjoy our time there. Hope all's well x

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