Molemane Conservation project

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October 3rd 2007
Published: October 3rd 2007
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Hello every one! Sorry about last email only had 15 minutes to check emails update face book and update blog so was writing in a bit of a rush. This time i have more time so hopefully you will all be able to read this one better and my spelling will be more acurate (best as i can as i cant spell)!!!!
not sure what i wrote in my last blog but i spent my last few days with game capture in Post elizabeth i was meant to stay there and fly to jo"burg from there to my next placvement so had to travel back to Jan Kempdorp on the back of a baklkie (pick up truck) with Roz as there was not enough room in the cab (was a squash on the way there) was very funny on the back was open top so sat in the sun but was very windy got wind and sun burn!!! It took 10 hours to get back so a liong trip. The next day wednesday, i sad my good byes to the others agaibn as not every one came to port elizabeth (but there are gald after our tipsy antics!) was sad to go every one was so great all the other students were felt like i had known them for ages!!! I the travekled to kimberly airport and fly to jo"burg which is only 1hour flight so not bad. Then a 4 hour drive to Molemane! Only 2 other students on the placement Helen and rob both great ppl get on well then there is Brett the owner and an ex student who is working there now called Clint again both nice. Once there i joined the guys to do a biuffalo count and saw a small heard quite close was awesome!!! I then saw a few Rhino was amazing! The next day we was meant o be going to Mediake game reserve but a massive storn\m hit so that was cancelled so went to Botsalano game reserve to do a rhino count there are over 50 there so was amazing saw loands as we were driving we wment round a courner and a hugh bulkl was standing rigfht there the road was amazing!!! Also so a tiny babty calf was cute. We sopent the evening sleepuing under the stars was so nice a biut chilly but nice luckly the stroms held off. Wer also traceked some on foot the next day and the wind was right so crept up on them well close!!! Bacvk at molemane we did smoe repairs tot he boundry fence, did a night drive was cool to see the nocturnal animals nother exciting through!!!! Also have doen a foot patrol and also most stumbled upon 5 rhino and 4 biffalo in a bush oppos luckly Brret changed his mind at the ;last minute to come out of the bushes not sure why he did i reckon he has a 6 sense!!!! in the open we looked back and saw therm wondering out of the bush a close call if we had walked in on them they would have chraged!!!!!!! Today we help fix excape hatches in the fencing for small antilope to get through was fun and i am i town getting some stuff form the shops then heading back for some dinner!!!! Lat night we had a very eggressive storm hit lightening very ckose and very thound thunder was a bit scared hid under my blanket!!!!!!! The rain was very heavy with hail stones the size of marbles!!!!! its still very cold in the mornings but the sun does some out its very hot!!!!! I am having a lot of fun so far and there is still loads more to come like lion counts and hopefully some babay rhino to see!!!!! Thank you for you comments very nice ti here from you all to see what you are up to. Dad can i have an update about work as i did not really understand you on the phone. Soryy i cant ring more but its so expensive 1 pund a minute and 50p per text!!!!!!! But i will be one in 3 weeks (you will be fed up of me talking hehehe) Well best go will uodate again soon as with tghis palcement we do weekly town trips!!!! Look forward to your comments byebye for now


3rd October 2007

It sounds like your having a fab time - we are all ok here, I've started Guides and they are all very chatty but nice. Millie is getting bigger now and is more crazy and Peggy is having a baby, well so she thinks. I'll be home when you get back and am looking forward to hearing all your stories. Well better get back to work, see you soon.

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