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September 22nd 2007
Published: September 22nd 2007
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hello people.

I am very bored, mostly because i am being boring. i refuse to entertain myself and simon says he won't entertain me either. Not to mention i have just been doing the rounds on facebook, where everyone always seems more interesting and popular than me. I always love/hate to look at profiles of people I haven't seen in years to see what they are doing, and try and see who would seem more exciting if we ran into each other and had about one minute each to describe our lives since we last saw each other. be careful if you chose to engae in this particular procrastination, it can make you feel good but also very bad. and it is a hollow kind of joy anyway.

i have been sick this week - mostly just exhaustion from not having had any time off work since i started in June. but its ok - I am taking a couple of days off in October to go to Glasgow for concerts and (hopefully) to meet with people at the networks there. my temp job has been extended by 4-6 weeks (it was supposed to end after next week). so that is kinda good news as i am no where near starting a permanent job and this temp job pays enough at least.

so i hope everyone is doing well at home.

mom - i think you should do some classes in kansas, like wine tasting or dress making (those are the ones i wanted to take here but couldn't afford). it will be fun and teach you new skills!

laura - i am sorry i am not as good at being emaily, but your life is be far the most exciting right now so please keep telling me everything. i enjoy knowing that you are having almost as good a time as i did in college.

beth - i know school is hard, just remember you will have a much better chance of paying off your student loans than me!

K - I lost my stationary! I want to write you a fun letter! how are things coming along with your script?

dad - how weird is it to have laura gone? weird i bet.

so that is my boring self for now. i will try and be more exciting in future.


22nd September 2007

Thanks sweetie, fun update!! love mommy
23rd September 2007

so, HUGE news. i found a boy. and he is fabulous. and we drank wine on the beach together and laid around and listened to good music and kissed. and he is amazing. and a film major. so i am in heaven! cant wait to talk! text me when you can skype this week, miss you tons love!

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