"Did it and Bought the T Shirt"

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Asia » China » Beijing » Great Wall of China
September 18th 2007
Published: September 23rd 2007
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Check this out!!!!Check this out!!!!Check this out!!!!

Did it and bought the T Shirt
Awoke at 5am to be ready for our 6am pick up - Checked weather forecast, thunder storms by midday!!!!
Let's hope it holds till we're done with our Great Wall trek....

As daylight broke we could see it was going to be a murky day - Just our luck!!!

Hope we manage to get a few good photos....

There were 7 of us, all from different hostels, in a mini bus.
2 Londoners, two Australians and one from France.
A good crowd to travel with.

About 15 minutes into our journey, we spotted the Olympic Stadium, we all got our cameras out!!!

On our arrival, we had the option to climb up to the wall or take the ski lift...
Skim took one look and said "Ski lift please" and justified, that she didn't see any sense in killing herself trying to climb up to the wall....
Turned out to be a good choice, and the others all followed suit.

This is the one thing we really set our hearts on doing when planning our RTW trip.
And do you know what, it was the most amazing part of our adventure
Beijing Olympic StadiumBeijing Olympic StadiumBeijing Olympic Stadium

"The Birds Nest" Caught sight of it whilst heading for the Great Wall, its 6.30am and it misty. Lets hope the mist clears up.....
to date....

We will let the pictures speak for them selves.

4 hours later.......

We were ready for the dreaded decent on the down hill slalom.

Exhillarating - Why did we fear it!!!

Only one of our team chickened out and took the ski lift back down.....

When we reached the bottom, we we're surprised to see a market - Wasn't there at 7.30am!!!

Haggled a lot and bought the "I climbed the Great Wall" T shirt - Well! All my shirts, we're in need a wash.....

And as for the thunders storms, luckily they held off till 6pm.

But it still got us!!!

We got soaked to the skin, after heading to the station to book our ticket to Xi'an later in the day.

Lesson of the day - Kagols are not much good in that sort of down pour!

Additional photos below
Photos: 38, Displayed: 23


Our Start off PointOur Start off Point
Our Start off Point

Well worth the fee.
Ski LiftSki Lift
Ski Lift

Took us 550 metres up to the wall - Good choice...

Do we take the ski lift on our return or the one and a half kilometere down hill slalom? Looks scary to me!!!
Now for the climbNow for the climb
Now for the climb

It's a long way that's for sure!
Look at these stepsLook at these steps
Look at these steps

They gotta be older than me!!
Watch out SkimWatch out Skim
Watch out Skim

They are a bit steep.
Just taking a restJust taking a rest
Just taking a rest

He never told me it would be all up hill!
Now for the down hillNow for the down hill
Now for the down hill

If it was grass, I could roll down!
Look at the viewLook at the view
Look at the view

Whilst I catch my breath....
Go awayGo away
Go away

I'm still trying to catch my breath...
A helping handA helping hand
A helping hand

I'm having trouble myself, without giving Skim a hand...
The outside of the wallThe outside of the wall
The outside of the wall

Who's that wally?
Is there a toilet in here?Is there a toilet in here?
Is there a toilet in here?

Not here, we'll try next one...
Old & NewOld & New
Old & New

You can see where they are restoring the wall.
No toilet in this one eitherNo toilet in this one either
No toilet in this one either

We'll try another...
Keep up honeyKeep up honey
Keep up honey

It's gotta be in this one!!
That was a hellava climb!That was a hellava climb!
That was a hellava climb!

Still smiling though.
A bit of the wallA bit of the wall
A bit of the wall

I didn't break it....

23rd September 2007

Great Wall!!!!!!!!!!
The views look great, Crickey you must have been Knackered after that, Don't think i'd have Strength or Energy PHEW!!!!!!!!! Talking about Flies that about the same as in Aus!!!!! get a either a Corked Hat or one with a Net over the face Looks silly but better than Swatting flies all the Time, you'll definately need one in the outback. Great to hear about your Travels.
23rd September 2007

Don't worry Marg my flies are well done up, Will look into the nets later. It was good to leave the flies behind in Russia....
24th September 2007

looking good!!! did u really go over the rickety bridge on the sleigh? Omg you are soooo brave. pics are brilliant. xxxx missing you xxx
24th September 2007

Rickety Bridge
Yes, we certainly did and loved it!! miss you back xxx

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