From Russia with love!!!!!!!

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Europe » Russia » Northwest » Saint Petersburg
August 31st 2007
Published: September 15th 2007
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Day 11

Metro Tour HostelMetro Tour HostelMetro Tour Hostel

Room for four, but had it to our selves
Passing over the border was an daunting experience, no "Fric" and "Frac" to banter with this time.
Not one person spoke english. Everyone was watchful of each other, I've never seen such a shady bunch of characters in one place.....

It was 1am when we were tossed a piece of paper to fill in, then frog marched into the cold with our luggage through to immigation.
We were made to feel that we had commited a crime and we hoped upon hope that we'd filled out the paperwork correctly.

One hour later we were back on the coach after being processed, X-rayed, searched and stamped.

We were the lucky ones, we'd passed a 2 mile queue of trucks, some waiting as long as 4 days to be processed.

Having read so much about St Petersburg we were expecting to see some amazing sites.
But on our arrival after our 13 hour bus journey, we didn't expect to feel so over powered by the sheer dominance of the buildings.
It wasn't the size of the buildings (we've seen loads of bigger buildings) it was the power of these formidable buildings and authority
Griboyedova CanalGriboyedova CanalGriboyedova Canal

Just one of the many canals in St Petersburg.
behind them that came to the forefront. Worse still when seen at dawn when the streets are empty.

Eventually found the "Metro", you have to have your wits about you. So get you thinking heads on before you use them, What it says on the map is not how they spell it!!!!

Nothing like the original word. SO BE WARNED NOT FOR THE FAINT HEARTED.

Three hours later............

We found our Hostel, yes it took us forever to figure out what should have been a 30 minute journey.

With our new map in hand, with all the different spellings, we ventured out for the sites feeling very confident.
(Fingers crossed, we find our way back).

Our day started well........

Some sly hand had opened my daypack.
Checked nothing was missing and carried on with the sight seeing along "Nevskiy Prospekt".

An hour later "Skim" turned round to see a guy with his hand beneath a newspaper stretching to reach inside my daypack again. On checking he'd already opened it and was reaching in for the spoils of his
Our Savior on the Blood CathedralOur Savior on the Blood CathedralOur Savior on the Blood Cathedral

Awesome, seen loads of pictures but looks so much better up close.

We enjoyed our day, as much as you could whilst watching each others backs.

We eventually made it back to the Metro. Whilst boarding I was prevented from fully entering the carriaige by 2 guys who appeared drunk and were blocking the door way, other passengers were pushing from behind - I was trapped. THEY WERE PICK POCKETS

I managed to grab the guys hand as he went for my wallet and held on tight, but he managed to pull away without my wallet and leave with his mates as the carriage door closed.....

Lesson of the day:- The only game you can play on this Metro is "cat & mouse" and your the mouse trying to avoid the pick pockets.....

Additional photos below
Photos: 25, Displayed: 23


Singer Co HouseSinger Co House
Singer Co House

and I thought they only made sewing machines!!!!
Our Lady of Kazen CathedralOur Lady of Kazen Cathedral
Our Lady of Kazen Cathedral

Could have fitted the whole building in if I'd stood in the busy 6 lane highway - Wasn't worth the risk!!!

Outside Kazen Cathedral
Outside Admiralty HouseOutside Admiralty House
Outside Admiralty House

Whats this water shooting out of skims head? Could be it be water on the brain?
Winter PalaceWinter Palace
Winter Palace

It was raining yet again...
Winter PalaceWinter Palace
Winter Palace

Did I Say it was raining?
Alexander ColumnAlexander Column
Alexander Column

Dvortsovaya Square
General Staff BuildingGeneral Staff Building
General Staff Building

A good place to shelter from the rain.....
Close upClose up
Close up

Couldn't help myself, I was so impressed..
And anotherAnd another
And another

Well it was something to do whilst drying out!!!
Another ChurchAnother Church
Another Church

Look blue sky, but it still rained....

Did I say there was loads of these? Even more than Venice has!!!
McDonalds - This one's for SteveMcDonalds - This one's for Steve
McDonalds - This one's for Steve

Thought you'd forgot - free 30mins internet, also do a great milk shake!!
Nevskiy ProspektNevskiy Prospekt
Nevskiy Prospekt

Pick Pockets Paradise
St IsaacSt Isaac
St Isaac

And Skim! She's getting good at this posing lark.......
Moyka CanalMoyka Canal
Moyka Canal

Told you she was getting better at posing... Pity I almost got run over taking the shot!!!

15th September 2007

Eeek! don't trust the foreigners!!
Good grief! Pickpockets everywhere, and aren't they GOOD?? Thank goodness you weren't done over: 3 attempts, wasn't it?? Have you considered [frowns over glasses at you] stuffing yer valuables in a less-accessible orifice, or at least under 17 layers of liberty bodices??? Signed Worried of Hereford.
15th September 2007

Worried of Hereford
Seems tourists are fair game for the pick pockets. But I assure you we met plenty of good ones
15th September 2007

I agree with worried of Hereford
Haven't you got a Money belt Ron? i.e. one that goes next to your Skin that would be the Safest Place!!!!!!! Don't take chances put everything in a Safe Place, Try getting a Pr of pants with a pocket in ????????????
15th September 2007

Pants with pockets!!!
Don't worry Marg it is down my pants, and nobodys sticking there hands down there other than Avril
15th September 2007

From England with love
Hi, Sounds like you having a great time, a bit scary with the pickpockets though!!! but whatever you do don't mention to the locals about England beating Russia last weekend 3-0 you' ll have more than pickpockets to contend with then. Take care Chris & Jan
15th September 2007

England 3 Russia 0
Don't worry Chris by the time England beat Russia we were on the border crossing into China. By the way, nice to hear from you - Hope all's well.

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