Day 3

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August 16th 2007
Published: August 16th 2007
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Ice Cream!Ice Cream!Ice Cream!

Ben and Jerry's is the best :)
Day 3....Back up....

Day one- Burlington Vermont 😊 We got to the Magic Hat Brewery just in time do some taste testing. Once they kicked us out (yeah, we closed down the place) we headed off to the lakefront to meet up with Nick and two of his friends. We ate some Mexican, had some more beer and then headed out to the swinging benches on the water. After a late night listening to some good tunes (at Red Square on Church St) we headed back to Nick's old farmhouse for the night.

Day two - We did a quick tour of Ben and Jerry's (sampled the goods) and then headed out to Portland, Maine. It took about 4 hours (good thing we have 250 CD's between us) and we stopped just outside of Portland to buy a tent at Dick's. We set up camp at Wassamiki Springs and then went in to town in search of some microbreweries. We went to Gritty MacDuff's and Sebago Berwey in downtown Portland. I am getting to be a beer IPA's for me please.

Day three- Portsmouth, NH. We did some window shopping, ate some seafood at Stockpot restaurant and then met up with Ann for some more beer tasting. We went to Red Hook Brewery and Portland Brewery. We also hit up a cool townie bar w/ some local hicks.

Tomorrow we are off to NYC until Saturday 😊


16th August 2007

Your trip sounds wonderful. I've been to Portsmouth and loved it there. It's like living in history with all the great, old houses and buildings. Too bad you aren't videoing the whole trip. You could name it "Seeing America, One Micro-brewery At A Time." Have fun and stay safe!

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