Seoul Adventures

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August 12th 2007
Published: August 12th 2007
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Today went a little different than we had planned. We woke up freezing to death, because we had left the air conditioning on. Unfortunately we aren't able to adjust the temperature or fan on the a/c so it's either full blast or off. Louise also woke up with a really sore throat, which put a bit of a damper on the day. We decided to sleep a little longer, and finally were ready to go exploring by around noon. We went to a palace first, one that I didn't explore much last year. It cost us 3000 won to enter the premises (about $3) and we spent well over an hour walking around, taking photos, and taking it all in. The clouds overhead threatened rain the whole time we were at the palace, but held off until we went for lunch.

We decided to go for lunch around 3pm, and then we headed out to the Royal Tombs since the rain had let up. That was a little disappointing. Fortunately it only cost us 1000 won each, so it wasn't too terrible. We had planned on going to a temple afterward, but Louise really wasn't feeling up to it, and I had a blister on my toe that was just brutal!

We went back to our hostel and Louise took a nap while I read some of my Harry Potter book, taking the weight off my sore feet. I left to go downstairs for dinner a while later, eating some of the KD in a cup that I had brought with me. I'm not planning to take it with me to Beijing, so it was either eat it or ditch it. Sadly, sitting in the common room was less than fun. There was some loser discussing his sexual conquests in great detail (and exaggerating greatly, I'm sure since he is really gross looking) with a bunch of guys from Hong Kong. Lovely conversation to have to listen to. He spoke loudly (as he was doing up until about 10 minutes ago when his buddies left) and hard to ignore, even though I tried really hard!!!

I think that the funniest part of the day was when three young Korean girls approached us at the palace to interview us. Second time in two days! Wonder if they were from the same English class????

A bit of a relaxing day, compared to yesterday, and tomorrow we head to Beijing!


12th August 2007

congrats on the start of a well-deserved vacation, sue! looking forward to hearing your impressions of china soon. hope you are able to find the glasses place(s) from adrienne's freehand map!! bon voyage!

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