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August 10th 2007
Published: August 10th 2007
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Friday, August 10, 2007

Hello everyone!

Well, it seems that the good folks at travelblog.org are getting everything sorted out. As you will notice, 3 of the 5 entries posted prior to the server crashing have been automatically re-posted (LIVE, Good Job Hunting, and Men@WORK), though w/o the photos. Two entries have still not been recovered (Laundry/Gangsters and Rainy Daze), but the texts from those two posts can be found in “A Not-So-Brief Summary”. As I mentioned in my last entry, due to the fact that Cory and I have a limited amount of upload/download capacity for each month, unless the missing pics magically re-appear, there is a good chance they won’t be making it back up. Sorry to those that missed them prior to the meltdown, but having our internet speed reduced to dial-up once we max out our upload/download allowance isn’t worth re-posting them. I think I am going to stick with this site for now, and see how it goes. I would imagine that the webmaster will go to extremes to ensure it doesn’t happen again in the future. Famous last words…

Not much to report here- its RAINING. Hard. Considering the fact that it is now 234am on Saturday, I guess it is not such a bad thing. I should be curled up in my bed, letting the falling drops drumming on the rooftop lull me to sleep, as opposed to sitting here, tick-tacking away at my laptop. But alas, then you all would be missing out on all of the fun! I’m so considerate… 

Let’s see… Well, they’ve decided to move me down to the lobby bar at the Sofitel for the past few nights. I guess my serving skills in the restaurant just weren’t up to par… Just kidding (I think…). Simon, the French-Canadian who typically works in the lobby bar (Called “Nue Lounge”) has requested to be put on the morning shift so that his work schedule lines up with that of his girlfriend. Hence, it looks like I‘m the new bartender at the Sofitel-Queenstown. It’s actually a pretty good gig- I get to do my own thing, am away from the chaos of the kitchen and room service areas, I run my own show, really get to interact with the guests, etc. The tough part right now is learning how to make all of these specialty cocktails that they have on the Nue Lounge cocktail list. Lots of muddling of fruits and leaves; lots of shaking, straining, flaming, and layering; lots of spirits I’ve never heard of. It’s a lot to take in all at once. It helps that most people just go for a glass of wine, a beer, or a simple mixed drink. No worries though- as a wise man once said, “It doesn’t matter if you really know what you or doing or not- as long as you look good doing it, no one will know the difference.” Give me two weeks, and Ill have my own little version of the movie “Cocktail” going on down there. They’ll have to build a bigger bar!

In related news, Ive got Sunday OFF!! Hallelujah! Not sure what Im going to do with my day off, especially if it is STILL raining… The ski fields were closed today due to the rain, and I don’t imagine they will be opening up in the next couple of days. It has actually been WARM here (Comparatively speaking, of course…) over the past few days- upper 40s, low 50s. I was walking around town last night is a SHORT-SLEEVE SHIRT!!! Madness I tell you! A welcome change, but its killing the skiing. Anyway, like I said- Sunday’s plans will depend on the weather.

Ok, the rain is calling me…


10th August 2007

Captain Obvious...
Brother - it took them this long to see that you are a NATURAL behind the bar? They don't know what they were missing! My challenge to you is to have your own original cocktail added to the official Nue Lounge list before you move on... if your history of Tilley family holiday bartending is any indication - it's practically a done deal!

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