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August 8th 2007
Published: August 8th 2007
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The Southern Alps...The Southern Alps...The Southern Alps...

Views from the top of Coronet Peak Ski Field
Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Ok, so as many of you noticed and emailed about this past week, the hosting website for my travel blog has been down for the past 5-6 days. It turns out that the entire memory system crashed, causing anything posted in the last 3 months to be wiped out. NOT COOL!!! Luckily, I have all of the text saved on my computer as a Word document, which can easily be re-posted. The problem is re-posting the pictures- Cory and I have a 6GB limit as far as our monthly upload/download capacity is concerned, and re-posting all of those pics will be charged against our account again if we choose to do so. Being that we’ve been reduced to dial-up internet speed for the past week due to going over out limit for July, I’m not sure we’re going to re-post those pics. Hopefully, we won’t have to- apparently there is a way to recover most of the lost blog posts, though it sounds pretty involved… We’re also considering moving our blogs to a different hosting site- if this one crashed once, who is to say it won’t happen again?? A frustrating scenario, to say the least…
The Southern Alps...The Southern Alps...The Southern Alps...

Views from the top of Coronet Peak Ski Field

Anyway, I just wanted to update everyone on the situation. I will let you know what turns out. Things here are good- cold (As usual…), but good. I had the day off yesterday, so headed up the mountain with a couple of our Argentinean friends. It was a pretty good day, though I’m sore, tired, and feeling a little sick today. The slopes could use more snow…

Back to work tonight…

More to come soon. Hope everyone is well! 

Here are a few photos from Coronet Peak. The pictures hardly do it justice. Honestly, its the most incredible scenery Ive ever seen while skiing. I dont know if its the rugged, snow-covered peaks towering over the bare valley below, the mist blanketing the deep crevices and ravines betwen the mountians, or the Lake Wakatipu Basin stretching out as far as the eye can see- Simply spectacular...

Additional photos below
Photos: 8, Displayed: 8


The Southern Alps...The Southern Alps...
The Southern Alps...

Views from the top of Coronet Peak Ski Field
The Lake Wakatipu Basin...The Lake Wakatipu Basin...
The Lake Wakatipu Basin...

Views from the top of Coronet Peak Ski Field- Queenstown is in the valley in the upper right of the photo...
The Lake Wakatipu Basin...The Lake Wakatipu Basin...
The Lake Wakatipu Basin...

Views from the top of Coronet Peak Ski Field- Queenstown is in the valley on the near side of the lake in the right side of the photo...
My New Ski Buddies...My New Ski Buddies...
My New Ski Buddies...

Federico, me, and Andy stopping for lunch at Coronet Peak
Shredding the Gnar, Kiwi-style...Shredding the Gnar, Kiwi-style...
Shredding the Gnar, Kiwi-style...

Getting some sweet air in the Coronet Peak Terrain Park. Andy was trying to teach us how to do a helicopter...

Soaking it all in, skiing in New Zealand!!!

10th August 2007

Meltdown NEEDED in Missouri!
Hey, Nick! Right now, the high temperatures in KC are reaching the upper 90s and are supposed to reach 100 this weekend--when I will be moving--so I would give anything for a meltdown in Missouri! Aside from having to work, which we all wish we didn't have to do, it sounds as though you and Cory are having a great time. Continue posting the fantastic updates--I enjoy reading about your incredible adventures! Take care!!! :)Linds

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