I will get internet soon I promise!

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July 26th 2007
Published: August 5th 2007
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Hello all,

Sorry once again for the lack of contact. Simon and I are trying to sort out an internet connection for our flat, but as we still do not have a bed (and many other things) we have a few things prioritised above that.

However, it may be soon as Simon gets a free small internet connection with his new mobile phone (its still the same number for those of you who have it) but it may only be if we have an active BT (British Telephone) line and we don’t think we have one. Apparently it is quite common to get home broadband with a cell phone contract.

Other than that we are just trudging along for the moment. Work is going okay, but it looks like my job may actually end in a couple of weeks (though I have only overheard this and have not been told anything). So I hope to hear from the couple of jobs I have already applied for and need to start applying for more - I just hoped our flat would be sorted out much faster so that job hunting could be top of my list.

I still haven’t finished Harry Potter so DO NOT TELL ME WHAT HAPPENS. If there is even so much as a hint of tone in any correspondence about HP I will murder the sender. I have about a quarter of the book left.

Everything is well here, its just not so fun settling into adult life of work and taking care of the house and paying bills etc. But having Simon with makes it much nicer, I actually don’t think I would enjoy growing up nearly so much if I weren’t married.

So I hope everyone is well and I look forward to hearing from you all soon.

Oh and if you want my new address send me an email to get it (these blogs can be read by anyone who stumbles across it so I don’t want to just post it!)

Mom - let me know your Kansas address again, is your phone number changing, and I have cards all ready for Laurie and Dave/Sara but I need addresses for them!

Laura - I hope you have fun on your travels, if you can work out a way to talk to me from OK let me know!



28th July 2007

hey babe!
So, note first of all that there is no HP tone involved in my comment, lol. But how are you liking it? I hope you are enjoying it! it would be terrible if you didnt, because we have all looked forward to it for so long!! I miss you terribly. I means right now i really do miss you more than i ever have i think, except for maybe around the holidays. I look forward to the holiday in the UK and dad will be booking the ticket soon so if you have anything to tell him date-wise let him or me know asap, thanks! How is dear Simon? I miss him very much also, and hope he is enojoying having to put up with you. :-P Not much for me to report, i need to start applying for my loans and whatnot so that i am all ready to pay for school! I am so excited to move and will get you my Chicago address and phone number the minute i get them. Love you both very much, enjoy the book! it goes entirely too quickly, and then you are sad you finished it but happy to know how it ends. very much a double edged sword! love you. x

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