Hacienda Cuello de Luna

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South America » Ecuador » Centre » Cotopaxi
July 5th 2007
Published: July 5th 2007
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Last night we said good-bye to Quito for awhile. It was Noche Ecuadorian at The Secret Garden so we signed up for the terrace dinner. There were local specialties including potato thingies, a big salad with avacado, some beets and a soup of some type of grain. The dessert was tomate de arbol with ice cream. It was all delicious and to add to the flavour, they had 3 guys playing local music along with a billowing fire in the wheelbarrow in front of our table. The whole thing was magical.

We checked out early and hit the panamerican hwy for Cotopaxi in a taxi Fernando hired. It took us a couple of hours to get to the Hacienda and it is just an incredible place set well in off the highway. It is a restored old hacienda with all the necessary trimmings for a comfortable stay, but the best part is our room which is up on the 2nd floor and looks over a large field in which there are llamas grazing. The room also has a nice bee'hive fireplace and a large private bathroom and breakfast and dinner included for about $90 a night all in. We love it here and we have already arranged a hike, a family horseback trip and an indigenous market trip for Saturday. I will send some pics soon because this area is incredibly gorgeous. Fernando is one happy camper and in fact is down in the lounge smoking a ciggie and sipping his first Cuba of the day. The girls are out feeding clover to the llamas.



6th July 2007

There where I wanna be
Go Ruesgas!!! Looks like a blast and a half. I'll be waiting for the updates and green with envy. Kiss a turtle (tortoise??, for me) Bon Voyage !!!! Kathaay
6th July 2007

Good to hear from you! I was wondering where you guys were. We are in Latacunga which is at the base of the Cotopaxi volcano (and has been wiped out 3 times by it) anyway, we are going up the slope shortly, but in the meantime, we went shopping and just got wonderful handknit sweaters for $10 US a pop. Incredible! More to come...
17th July 2007

FARM OUT! with the llamas and sheep!
Wooooweee! Your family looks so happy and having a great time discovering a beautiful part of the world. Thanks for sharing with us! I just got back from the first leg of my journey, so I just read all the blogs. The pics are the best! Keep having a great time, and think of us sweaty betties in Vallarta! love, Renee
18th July 2007

Woooowee, wee, wah. We ARE having a blast and it is a bonding thang that should last long after the trip ends. It´s a magical country and we've had quite a few great experiences. More to come and thanks for your comments!

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